The development of Christianity

  • 312

    Constantine's conversion

    Constantine converted to Christianity due to his belief that God assisted his army in winning his battle for the throne.
  • 313

    The edict of Milan

    Emperor Constantine and Emperor Lucinius issued a policy known as the edict of Milan that guaranteed complete freedom of religion to all in the empire, including Christians.
  • 321

    Sunday becomes the Roman day of rest

    Constantine made Sunday the official Roman day of rest, so that all Christians in Rome could find the time to attend church and lead a Christian life.
  • 325

    The Council of Nicaea develop the Nicene Creed

    The Council of Nicaea affirmed in the Nicene Creed that God the Father and God the Son were coeternal and consubstantial, eliminating the Arian belief that God the Son was inferior to God the Father.
    Although the Nicene Creed did not mention the Trinity, it lead to future Christians believing in the Trinity.
  • 432

    Patrick becomes a missionary in Ireland

    Patricks wnet to Ireland as a missionary when he was a teenager, and leads many Irish people to the Christian faith.
  • 451

    Jesus is confirmed as God

    The council of Chalcedon confirms ortherdox teaching that Jesus was truly God and truly man and existed in one person.
  • Jan 1, 716

    Boniface's Missionary

    Boniface, the "Apostle of Germany", sets out as a missionary to bring the gospel to pagan lands.
  • Sep 3, 1378

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism was a time of Division in the Roman Catholic Church due to disagreements concerning the Pope.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    The Guntenberg Bible

    The first ever printed Bible.
  • St. Gregory was elected Pope

    St. Gregory becomes Pope Gregory I, and did some doctrinal work. He taught Christians about their faith, particularly regarding Pergatory, and he contrived private penance as a parallel to public penance.