The developement of the microscope

  • Oct 21, 1000

    First glass

    First glass
    In the 1st century the Romans invented a thing called glass. They were studying it and how people could use it. They were investigating what would happen if you looked through it. When they looked through it they noticed that what they were looking at appeared larger.
  • Oct 21, 1300

    Eye Glasses

    Eye Glasses
    In the 13th century in the country of Italy, Salvino D'Armate created the first eye glass. He used magnification power in one of the lenses so people could see better.
  • Zacharias Jansen

    Zacharias Jansen
    Zacharias Jansen put several lenses into a tube and discovered the first microscope. he didnt use this invention for scientific uses but for recreation use.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    After when Zaccharias Janssen was working with lens', galileo wanted to start to make his own microscope. He told the people about the principles of the lenses and the light rays that we use. With this infomation, he improved the microscope and even the telescope and added a focus to it to make it clear.
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    Anton van Leeuwenhoek made the first microscope. Anton was also was the first person to actually use it. Through the making of the microscope he was the first to see bacteria
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Robert was international famouse for drawing pictures of his discoveries. He published his first line of work in 1665 and in the book he presents many of his findings using a microscope. Robert copied Anton's light5 microscope but tweeked it a bit to a bettr version
  • Technitions

    Technitions improved the microscope throughout the 18th century. Due to this most scientist were using these inventions. these microscopes had 2 glass lenses which would reduce the chromatic effect.
  • Joseph Jackson Lister

     Joseph Jackson Lister
    Joseph was editing the microscope when he discovered that he could reduce the chromatic effect and so he did. He discovered that if you use several weak lenses instead of two lenses at different positions had a great magnification and the thing that you are looking at isnt blurry. This was the invention of the compound microscope
  • Charles A. Spencer

    Charles A. Spencer
    After the editing of Aston's Light microscope by hooke, Charles A. Spencer made significant improvemnets to the light microscope that was edited by Hooke. After Charles made changes to it, Many people started to manufacture the opticals used in the microscope.
  • Nobel Prizes'

    Nobel Prizes'
    Eric Betzig, William Moerner and Stefan Hell were experimenting on a new type of microscope, They developed a super- resolved flouresence microscope and it as an upgrade from the old one. the microscope use fluorescence and phosphorescence instead of a light and i doesnt count on absourtion