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Philippoteaux lamartine

The Destruction of the Ancien Regime

  • FIirst Meeting of Assembly

    FIirst Meeting of Assembly
    This was the first meeting of the representatives of the Estates-General in 175 years. This took place in Versailles and was held by Louis XVI.
  • National Assembly Created

    National Assembly Created
    The Third Estate Delegates got into the meeting because they wanted to change the government structure, They then voted to establish the National Assembly. This happend because the third estate declared themselves the National Assembly in the tennis court and signed the oath.
  • Storming the Battle

    Storming the Battle
    A mob searching for gunpowder and arms stormed the Bastille which is a Paris prison. The angry attackers hacked the prison commander and some guards to their death. Then they paraded around the streets with the deads man heads on pikes. The fall Bastille became a great symbolic act of revolution to the French people.
  • Assembly Refromes France

    Assembly Refromes France
    Noble men made grand speeches, declaring their love of liberty and equality. They were motivated more by fear than by idealism and they joined other members of the National Assembly. Together they sweep away the feudal privileges of the first and second Estates.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizens

    Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizens
    French National Assembly issues "Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen." This was a document of the FRench Revolution that was influences by the doctrine of 'natural rights.'
  • Parisian Women Rebellion over Bread

    Parisian Women Rebellion over Bread
    Thousands of Parisian women rioted over the rising price of bread. Then they turned their anger on the king and queen. Brandishing Knives, axes, and other weapons, the women marched on Versailles. Breaking into the palace, they killed some of the guards. They demanded on the queen and king to come back to Paris and Louise agreed.
  • France is Divided (Year of 1790)

    France is Divided (Year of 1790)
    France was divided into 83 departments, which cut across the former provinces in an attempt to dislodge regional loyalties. They did this based on noble ownership of land. The Assembly took over church lands and declared that church officials and priests were to be elected and paid as state officials.
  • Royal Flight to Verennes (Not a specific day)

    Royal Flight to Verennes (Not a specific day)
    The kings family was very scared about the ongoing revolution and realized that there was no way to stop it from abrupting. Feering for himself and his family, he decided to flee Paris to the Austrian border. King Louis XVI then was caught trying to escape the French Revolution with his family. His attempt was a failure as they did get cought.
  • King Adresses Assembly (there is no specific day)

    King Adresses Assembly (there is no specific day)
    The National Assembly completed the new constitution, which Louis approved. This was the first written constitution of France which was created before the collapse of the absolute monarchy. The king adressed the assembly and recieved applause from the members.
  • (No specific day) War Begins!

    (No specific day) War Begins!
    The Legislative Assembly responded by declaring war.
  • Monarchy Abolishment in France

    Monarchy Abolishment in France
    The new governing body, the National Convention, took office. It abolished the monarchy and declared France republic. Adult male citizens were granted the right to vote and hold office. Despite the important part they had already played in the Revoluion, women were not given vote.