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The Deevolution of American Education

By Tom Ito
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    Secretary of Education mandates all students will be provided tablets

    In a bold move, newly appointed Secretary of Education, Bill Gates, mandates that all students in America are afforded wireless devices. Schools have until June 13, 2017 to comply
  • New law passes that reduce paper allocation in schools to 10% of recent three year averages

    In response to dwindling natural resources and a push to have schools more technologically oriented, public schools are now allocated 10% of the paper they were given in past years.
  • Desks are outlawed in schools

    Trung Le, Special Education Reform Advisor to President Trump, has announced that desks are now outlawed in schools. In Mr. Le's words, " We are going back to the future with the Kindergarten Model of Learning.
  • Public School students in America makes gains in international exam

    Students in America have made great gains relative to their counterparts from other countries on an international exam of critical thinking. President Trump is quick to claim all the credit for this advancement in test scores.
  • Ad Hoc commitee of 5-6 year olds convene to discuss a plan to revamp public education

    As President Trump starts his second term, his Vice President Sarah Palin has created an ad hoc commitee of kindergarteners to meet and problem solve solutions to educational reform.
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    Public Schools in America have achieved 100% Deevolution1

    In response to an initiative set forth by President Trump in 2017, public schools in America have achieved complete deevolution and have become more like kindergarten thus maximizing creativity and risk taking leading tomore critical thinking.
  • Education 2050 is revealed

    Education 2050 was unveiled to a group of grade schoolers in El Segundo, CA. The 30 year master plan for meaningful education reform, created by 5 year olds, promises to slow down the acquisition of stupidity that starts when students continue their education past kindergarten. Arnold Schwartzenegger has been chosen to oversee the initiative- his official title is Kindergarten Cop