The decline and fall of Rome

  • 200

    Rome's Economy Began to fall

    Rome's Economy Began to fall
    As government weakened, law and order broke down.Roman soldiers and invaders seized crops and destroyed fields which would soon spread hunger throughout the roman economy.
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    The last Severan Ruler died.

    The last Severan Ruler died.
    Rome's Government became very weak.
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    Diocletian became emperor.

    Diocletian became emperor.
    To stop the empires decline he introduced Reforms.
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    The Huns

    The Huns
    The Huns entered Eastern Europe and defeated the Ostrogoths.
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    The issue of orders

    The issue of orders
    To aid the economy Constantine issued several orders. The sons of workers had to follow their fathers' trades, the sons of farmers had to work the land their fathers worked, and the sons of soldiers had to serve in the army.
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    Constantine became a christian.

    Constantine became a christian.
    Constantine became the first roman emperor to become christian.
  • 378

    The Visograths

    The Visograths
    In 378 they defeated roman legions at the battle of Adrianople.
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    The Roman Empire splits.

    The Roman Empire splits.
    The roman empire was split into two different empires.
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    The Rhine River

    The Rhine River
    The Rhine River in western Europe froze.
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    The Visigoth leader Alaric and his soldiers captured Rome itself.
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    In 455 the Vandals entered Rome.
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    Odoacer took control of the western empire overthrowing the 14 year old Augustulus.
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    The western Roman empire had faded away.

    The western Roman empire had faded away.