Father James Alberione founds the society of Saint Paul in Alba, Italy
The Society of Saint Paul is a society for religious priests and consecrated lay people. Photo courtesy of Daughters of St. Paul, used with permission. -
Teresa Merlo meets Father Alberione
Father Alberione invites Teresa Merlo to be part of a women’s society he is forming. The society is meant to be the feminine counterpart of the society of Saint Paul, whose mission is to use the press for evangelization purposes. Photo courtesy of Daughters of St. Paul, used with permission. -
The First Perpetual Vows
Nine members of the Daughters of Saint Paul make perpetual profession of religious vows. Teresa Merlo becomes Maestra Thecla Merlo and is appointed Superior General of the community. Photo courtesy of Daughters of St. Paul, used with permission. -
The Daughters of Saint Paul Open their First House in Rome
The Daughters of Saint Paul Open a House in Sao Paolo, Brazil
The Daughters of Saint Paul Come to America
Mother Paula Cordero arrives in America to bring the Daughters of Saint Paul’s mission to the U.S. Photo courtesy of Daughters of St. Paul, used with permission. -
The Daughters of Saint Paul Receive Approval from the Holy See
The Daughters of Saint Paul in Boston
The Daughters of Saint Paul establish their novitiate and publishing house in the Archdicoese of Boston. -
Mother Thecla Dies
Photo courtesy of Daughters of St. Paul, used with permission. -
Father Alberione Dies
Photo courtesy of Daughters of St. Paul, used with permission. -
The Daughters of Saint Paul Choir is Formed
100 Years
The Daughters of Saint Paul celebrate 100 years of existence.