Period: 410 to Jan 1, 1066
The Dark Ages
Attila becomes the king of the Huns
After Attilas uncle, Rugila (Rua), who was the leader of the huns at this time dies in 434, Attila and his brother, Bleda, were left in charge. In 445, Atilas brother dies to an unknown cause.Some historians think that Atilla may have killed his own brother to gain power. This left Atilla the sole leader of the Huns. -
Attila the Hun dies
We dont exactly know what day he died but it was somewhere in March of 453 CE. He so was drunk that he fell asleep (got knocked out), choked from a nose bleed, and died. This all happend on his wedding day. -
Fall of Rome
The fall of Rome was due to many events including Atilla and the Huns and spread out over about 2 centuries. The year 476 is merely when the last emporer of Rome, Romulus Agustulus, fell by the hand of the barbarian general Odoacer who then becaome the ruler of Italy. -
Oct 10, 732
Major victory against the Saracens
The Battle of Tours (often called the Battle of Poitiers) was fought on October 10th 732 when a massive group of Islams invaded near the city of Tours, France. the invasion was led by Emir Abdul Rahman. He and his army were defeated by the Franks. -
Oct 22, 741
Charles Martel dies
October 22, 741 CE died of natural causes. -
Oct 14, 1066
William Duke of Normandy defeats the Saxon king Harold in the battle of Hastings
King Harold's Saxon army had just won a brutal battle at Stamford Bridge and were sailing home when Harold heard that the Normans were invading York. He immediately wanted to go and face William possibly to prove to his people that their new king could be relied upon, despite his brother, Earl's warnings. The Saxons were eventually defeated By the Normandy army with heavy casualties on both sides. -
Vikings attack England
The vikings first attacked England in 793. They targeted a smal island off the northeast coast of England called Lindisfarne. The Vikings got more and more powerful, rich and relentless. Soon no place in England was safe from the Vikings. They even managed to attack the inner cities. No matter how many times they got defeated, they just kept coming back. The battle ended in 1066. -
Charlemange dies
On January 28, 814 CE in Aachen, Germany, Chalemange or Charles the Great dies. He was buried at his palace at Aachen. -
Charlemange is crowned Holy Roman Emperor
December 26, 800, Charlemange was crowned the Holy Roman Emporer at the altar of the St. Peter's church in Rome. -
Saxons war is over
Some believe that the war started because Charlemange wanted to convert the Saxons to christianity but no one can say for sure. After the Saxons war ended in 804, Charlemange tried to force the Saxons to convert to Christianity but the leaders of the Saxons refused. Charlemange decided that force was the best way to solve the problem and so he orderd his soldiers to kill 4000 Saxons in one day. -
Charles Martel is born
August 23, 686 CE, in Herstal, Belgium. Parents are Pepin of Herstal and a noblewoman named Alpaida. -
Alfred the Great gets the throne
Alfred seceeds his brother Ethelred and gains the throne position (becomes the king of) to Wessex and Danish Mercia -
Death of Alfred the Great
Alfred the Great died on October 28th, 899. He was buried in Newminster Abbey, Winchester