The Fall of Rome
Rome fell to the Visigoths. The Fall of Rome marks the beginning of the Dark Ages. -
Period: 476 to Jan 1, 1400
The Dark Ages
The Time Span of the Dark Ages to Focus on for Project -
Oct 10, 732
Battle of Tours
Also known as the Battle of Poitiers. It is fought in what is now France. This was a battle between the Franks, lead by Charles Martel, and the Muslims, lead by Abd-er-Rahman. In the end, the Franks won the battle. This helped to stop the advance of the Islamic faith to Europe. -
Oct 14, 1066
The Battle of Hastings
The Battle of Hastings was fought on October 14th from 9 o'clock am to 3 o'clock pm. It was a battle between the Normans and the Saxons. It started for the claim of the thrown of England. The Normans were lead by Duke William of Normandy, and the Saxons by King Harold Godwinsin of England. In the end, William and his side won, and King Harold had been brutally killed. -
Jan 1, 1085
The Domesday Book
It is considered to be England's earliest, surviving public record. The Domesday Book was completed in 1086 and was a sort of record book/survey. William the First of England ordered this survey to be made. The King had wanted to find out how much he could tax and how much his kingdom was worth. -
Nov 27, 1095
The First Crusade
The First Crusade started in 1095 and lasted till 1099. It began in November 27th with the Council of Clermont and Pope Urban's cry to get back control of the Holy Land, Jerusalem. -
May 14, 1097
Siege of Nicaea
The Siege of Nicaea is considered to be the first big siege of the First Crusade. It is also the first meeting place between the Crusaders and the Turks. The Crusaders came in and seized Nicaea, and the Turks tried to fight back. In the end the Turks surrendered. This fight lasted around a month, and ended in June of 1097. -
Jun 15, 1215
The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta is also called the Magna Charter or the Great Charter. King John of England was forced to sign this document. It gave the English citizens basic rights, and the King less power. It influenced the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. -
May 31, 1223
Battle of the Kalka River
The Battle of the Kalka River was between the Mongols, lead by Subtai, and the Kievan Rus with the Cumans. It was a fight that was part of the Mongol invasion of Russia. The Mongols won the battle. It took place in present-day Ukraine. -
May 24, 1337
The Hundred Year War
The Hundred Year War is usually said to have started around May 24, 1337 and it ended in 1453. The Hundred Year War actually lasted 116 years long. It was a battle between England and France. The fight was basically a battle of succession, who would take claim to France's throne. Most of the battles were fought in France. -
Jan 1, 1347
The Black Death
The Black Death, in Europe, would start in 1347. The disease is traced back to Genoese ships that arrived in Sicily. From there the Black Death would spread throughout Europe. 1/3 of the people in England would die from the Black Death, and in different cities around Europe, as many as 50% of the population would be killed. Black flags were flown all around Europe to let travelers know that the plague was there. It ended in Europe at around 1350 but reappeared several times after.