The Dark Ages

By JDW99
  • Period: 200 to

    The Dark Ages

  • 272


    Roman Emperor. Reigned from 306 to 337 A.D. As emperor he enacted many administrative, financial, social, and military reforms which strengthened the empire. Started the spread of christianity throughout Europe.
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge

  • 325

    Council of Nicea

    Dicussed Jesus and whether or not he was the true, divine Son of God
  • 433


  • 466


    First King of the Franks to unite all of the Frankish tribes under one ruler. He also ruled the Franks for two ceturies.
  • 476

    Fall of the Roman Empire

  • 537

    Hajia Sophia

    Means "Holy WIsdom." ZIs a former Greek orthodox church. Later it was turned into a mosque. Now today it is a museum.
  • 540

    The Plague

  • Sep 27, 672


  • Sep 27, 732

    Battle of Tours

  • Apr 2, 742


  • Charles Martel "The Hammer"

  • Alaric

  • Alfred the Great

  • Ivar the Boneless

  • Justinian and Theodora

  • St. Benedict

  • Holy Roman Empire

    Pope gets help from Charlemange, and eventually crowns him emperor.
  • Viking Raids