The Crusades

  • Period: 1095 to 1097

    The first Crusade.

    Pope urban II calls for the first crusade, the Christian army reclaims the holy land.
  • Period: 1147 to 1149

    The second crusade.

    The Second Crusade, led by European kings like Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany, ends in disappointment with failed attempts.
  • Period: 1187 to 1192

    The third crusade.

    Philip II of France, Richard I of England (The Lionheart) and Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor lead the Third Crusade.
  • Period: 1202 to 1204

    The fourth crusade.

    Pope Innocent III declares the Fourth Crusade to take back Jerusalem.
  • 1212

    Childrens crusade.

    Started by a little French boy.
  • Period: 1217 to 1272

    Fifth through ninth crusade.

    Over the next five crusades the holy army was unsuccessful at reclaiming any territories.