The Crusades

By zfull2
  • Period: 1093 to 1099

    The First Crusade

    Pope Urban II calls for the First Crusade. The Christian army reclaim the holy land.
  • Period: 1147 to 1149

    The Second Crusade

    The Second Crusade, led by European kings like Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany, ends in disappointment with failed attempts to recapture territories lost to the Muslims.
  • Period: 1187 to 1192

    The Third Crusade

    Philip II of France, Richard I of England (The Lionheart) and Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor lead the Third Crusade. They took back many territories from Saladin but failed to win back Jerusalem.
  • Period: 1202 to 1204

    The Fourth Crusade

    Pope Innocent III declares the Fourth Crusade to take back Jerusalem.
  • 1212

    The Children's Crusade

    Started by a French child named Stephen of Cloyes. Tens of thousands of children gathered to march to the Holy Land. This ended in total disaster. None of the children made it to the Holy Land and many were never seen again. They were likely sold into slavery.
  • Period: 1217 to 1272

    The Crusades Five through Nine

    Over the next several years there would be 5 more Crusades. None of them would be very successful in terms of gaining control of the Holy Land.