The Crusades

  • Period: Sep 18, 1095 to Sep 19, 1291

    crusades period

    This is the time that the crusades took place. starting with the muslim militant group denying the christians access to their major city. infuriated by this, pope urban declared the crusades
  • Period: Sep 18, 1096 to Sep 19, 1099

    the first crusade

    The first crusades point was to retake jerusalem along with the rest of the Crusades, while ultimately unsucssessful, it started the idea of a crusade
  • Period: Sep 18, 1147 to Sep 19, 1149

    2nd crusade

    The second crusade was planned to go earlier but then one of the main people supporting the crusades died and the church had to make up for this loss. It didn't have much of an effect on the current medieval standing.
  • Period: Sep 18, 1179 to Sep 19, 1182

    3rd crusade

    also known as the kings crusade, all of the christian nations worked together to try and take Jerusalem, although they failed, it may have worked to make the countries closer.
  • Period: Sep 18, 1203 to Sep 19, 1204

    4th crusade

    two campaigns were launched, both sucssessful in their achievements, one unseated a king and placed their own, Alexios IV, while the other one sacked Byzantine and destroyed large portions of the city
  • Period: Sep 18, 1209 to Sep 19, 1229

    5th crusade

    also known as the Albigensian crusade, it was a 20-year military campaign to eliminate a rival belief, catharism. while this campaign was successful, it wasn't related to the Jerusalem crusades, therefore making no progress
  • Period: Sep 18, 1211 to Sep 19, 1225

    6th crusade

    also known as the baltic crusades, were when the christian leaders from Poland, Denmark and Sweden. these raids were called crusades and forced people to become a christian
  • Period: Sep 18, 1239 to Sep 19, 1241

    7th crusade

    the christians made one last ditch attempt to take over Jerusalem and they were incredibly outclassed and bitterly defeated
  • Period: Sep 18, 1242 to Sep 19, 1291

    8th through 12th crusades

    i could not find any info for these ones
  • Sep 18, 1292


    after the final crusade, the bitterly disappointed Christians accepted the fact that Jerusalem would have to stay Muslim territory.
  • Sep 20, 1292


    after all of the crusades, the christians had to bitterly accept that Jerusalem was going to stay a muslim area and there was nothing they could do to change that fact