• 600 BCE

    Jerusalem from 600 CE to 1093

    In 600 CE, Arabs entered the city and took control.

    The Arabs allowed Christian and Jewish pilgrims to visit Jerusalem. In fact, Jews and Christians could live in Palestine as long as they paid their taxes like everyone else.
  • 1093

    The Invaders

    In 1093, Byzantine Emperor named Alexius Comnenus ask for help against invaders
    THE INVADERS: The Muslim Turks aka Ottoman Turks
    The Muslim Turks were trying to take over the Byzantine capital of CONSTANTINOPLE
  • 1096

    First Crusade 1096-1099

    Unprepared troops
    No strategy
    Captured Jerusalem
    Carved in up into 4 Crusader states
  • 1147

    Second Crusade 1147-1149

    Muslim leader Saladin takes control of Jerusalem
    Muslim Turks re-conquer the city
    Saladin is described to be honest and brave
  • 1189

    Third Crusade 1189-1192

    Richard the Lion Hearted = English King and two other leaders fail to recapture Jerusalem
    He and Saladin respected each other
  • 1202

    Fourth Crusade 1202-1204

    Crusades attack Constantinople instead
    Stole statues, money, paintings and jewelry
    Burned libraries, destroyed churches
    Said they needed money to defend Constantinople from the same fate as Jerusalem and to rescue Jerusalem from Muslims
    People of Constantinople hated the west for sacking their city
  • 1212

    Children’s Crusade 1212

    Thousands of French and German children try to reach Jerusalem
    Believed God would help them because they were children
    Many died of hunger, some froze to death
    When they reached the Mediterranean sea, expected they waters to part for them…. They didn’t
    Forced to return home
  • 1453

    In the End

    The Christians are finally pushed out of Jerusalem
    Muslim Turks are the victors and take over the Byzantine in 1453

    The goal of these Christian soldiers were to recover
    1. Jerusalem and
    2. Holy Land
    They wanted it back from the Muslim Turks