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The crucible by mikemyers

The Crucible Timeline by Ryan Buri

  • Girls caught in the woods by Reverend Paris

    Girls caught in the woods by Reverend Paris
    As Betty, Abigail, and the rest of the girls are dancing around a fire in the woods, Reverend Paris discovers them. He also notices Tituba waving her hands about, and one girl naked running around the fire.
  • Abigail warns the other girls to keep quiet

    Abigail warns the other girls to keep quiet
    The girls tell the Reverend they were only dancing in the woods. Abigail threatens the girls to keep the truth to themselves, or she will kill them in the night. "And mark this. Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things,and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I willbring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you."
  • Abigail accuses Tibuta

    Abigail accuses Tibuta
    Abigail puts the blame on Tibuta as the leader, to try to save her own skin. Tibuta then accuses others of being witches. This starts a spiral of accusations and lies, as more and more are accused of witchcraft.
  • The Proctors and Marry Warren

    The Proctors and Marry Warren
    John and Elizabeth Proctor are upset because their housekeeper Marry Warren was accused of witchcraft. They know Abigail is behind the accusations, and Elizabeth urges John to expose Abigail. Moreover, Elizabeth catches John in a lie involving his affair with Abigail.
  • The Poppet

    The Poppet
    Reverend Hale arrives at the Proctors' home. He is going around the town and investgating people who were mentioned in the trial. He came to the house looking for proof that Elizabeth is guilty and Hale becomes suspecious about the poppet in the house. Elizabeth says she has no poppets other than the one that Mary gave her that same day. Upon inspection, Mary’s doll is shown to have a needle stuck in its center. That morning, Abigail said she had been stuck with a needle.
  • John's Confession and Elizabeth's Lie

    John's Confession and Elizabeth's Lie
    After Elizabeth is taken to jail, John finally decides to go to the court and tell the truth about his affair with Abigail. However, Elizabeth lies and states her husband did not sleep with Abigail, trying to protect her husband's reputation. Elizabeth tried to help, but in affect made the situation much worse.
  • Mary Warren is accused of cursing Abigail

    Mary Warren is accused of cursing Abigail
    Abigail and the other girls were taken to the courtroom with John and Elizabeth Proctor present. After Mary Warren exposes to the court who really made the poppet, Abigail and the other girls state that Mary Warren is cursing them. They all started to mimick every word Mary Warren spoke.
  • Mary throws John under the bus

    Mary throws John under the bus
    In order to save herself from charges of witchcraft, Mary states that she saw John Proctor with the devil. John is arrested.
  • John under trial

    John under trial
    John must confess to witchcraft to save himself, and signs a document doing so. However, he does not want to ruin his name and tears up the confession he signed.
  • John Proctor is sentenced

    John Proctor is sentenced
    John refused to give up names to the courts, and is sentenced to hang with two other women. He is offered a deal to save his own life, but that would require ruining his good name.
  • John Proctor is hung

    John Proctor is hung
    John Proctor decides to be hung. In doing so, he does not spoil the names of his children. John Proctor's decision to die, he believed, was the right thing to do.