
The Crucible

By Dre'von
  • Paris sees something in the woods

    Paris sees something in the woods
    pg. 461-464
    Paris argues with his house slave Tituba. Paris goes out into the woods at night and sees the girls dancing around the fire. He is furious he wants to know how dancing in the woods is a sport
  • Abigail confronts Proctor

    Abigail confronts Proctor
    pg. 465-471 Abigail confronts Proctor about the affair they had, Proctor tells her its over. Proctor has slipped up and gave in to temption and cheated on his wife. If this gets out it was foever ruin his good name.
  • Hale questions Tituba

    Hale questions Tituba
    pg. 472-485 Hale goes to the Parris' house to question Tituba, she confuses to being a witch. Someone has told the police that Tituba was the one performing rituals on the girls. This does not look go for tituba, she could burn for this.
  • A home unraveled

    A home unraveled
    pg. 487-493 Proctor comes home from the woods and gets scolded by his wife Elizabeth. The two continue to argue and start to question each other, Proctor tells Elizabeth to stay in a women's place. Mary enters interrupting the two.
  • Witchcraft among us

    Witchcraft among us
    pg.487-493 Mr. Hale is introduced and tells them Rebecca is charged with witchcraft. They start to question the woman and then men start to debate on the devil. They start to question one's position and Hale defends the
  • Order in the court

    Order in the court
    pg.499-503 Cheever is trying Elizabeth, she is being tried for witchcraft. Abigail has done this because she is still in love with Proctor. Alliances wane, trust is tested, and lies are being told.
  • Lies among us

    Lies among us
    pg. 505-511 Hathorne, the judge is questioning the girls that were dancing in the fire. The woman says she's not a witch and Giles comes in with Evidence.Giles argues with the judge and the governor determined to save his wife.
  • Devils court

    Devils court
    Giles continues to argue, determined to fight to save his wife's life. He gets so angry he threatens to kill Putnam, Danforth tells them to calm down. Mary Warren comes out with Abigail and Abigail tells everyone she is a witch.
  • Occult powers unheard

    Occult powers unheard
    pg.518-525 Abigail still obsessed with Proctor tells everyone that Mary is a witch. The other girls side with Abigail and together they trick everyone into believing that Mary is a witch. She tells them a bird is there ready to strike the girls
  • the end of the beginning of the end

    the end of the beginning of the end
    The curtain rises and Elizabeth is in Jail. The governor and judge are questioning people trying to get a confession. All the girls are tried, 12 people are already dead.
  • God's Vanity

    God's Vanity
    Elizabeth is questioned and John is brought in. They begin to question John, he then confesses and is proven not guilty. They ask for it in writing to which John denies.
  • Prideful doubt

    Prideful doubt
    Proctor is uneasy, he is unwilling to sign the paper. He knows that if he does it will mean the end of his good name. He signs the paper and destroys it, ultimately deciding to give into his Pride, killing himself.