Franz ferdinand

The Course to the First World War

  • The Unification of the German States

    The Unification of the German States
    Prussia defeats France in the Franco-Prussian war and declares Germany as a unified nation with Bismarck as Chancellor.
  • The Three Emperors league is negotiated

    Bismarck negotiates the Three Emperors league (dreikaiserbund) With the leaders of Austria-Hungary and Russia
  • The Dual Alliance is formed

    Germany and Austria-Hungary declare mutual support in the case that Russia acts aggressively against either one of them
  • Italy joins the now Triple Alliance

    An extension of the Dual Alliance - the triple alliance was formed when Italy joined Germany and Austria-Hungary in their pact of mutual support.
  • The Reinsurance Treaty

    Bismarck signs the Reinsurance Treaty with Russia which effectively agreed that both nations would remain neutral unless Germany attacked France or Russian went to war with Austria. This treaty was in part efforts from Bismarck to avoid war on two fronts from France and Russia.
  • Wilhelm II becomes German Emperor

    Wilhelm II, a strongly Anti-Russian figure, is crowned Emperor of Germany.
  • Bismarck is fired

    Bismarck is let go from his politial position in Germany due to differences with the Kaiser.
  • The Reinsurance Treaty is lapsed

    Germany and Russia do not renew their treaty calling for mutual neutrality
  • Franco-Russian Alliance

    After the Reinsurance treaty lapsed Russia and France formed the Franco-Russian Alliance declaring mutual support in the case of attack (from Germany and its allies).
  • Period: to

    Arms race

    A continued arms race see's massive military advancements over Europe most notably in Germany and Britain.
  • Entente Cordiale

    Britain signs the Entente Cordiale with France in fear of German navy expansion.
  • First Moroccan Crisis

    Kasier Wilhelm II challenges French authority in Morocco.
  • Start of the Naval Race

    Britain launches the first of its Dreadnought battleships thus signalling the beginning of the Anglo-German Naval Race. That same year, Britain establishes naval bases on the coast of Scotland.
  • The Franco-Russian alliance becomes the Triple Entente

    The Anglo-Russian entente is formed primarily due to Russian insecurity. The agreement did no necessarily provide Britain and Russia with mutual support
  • Austria-Hungary announces its annexation of Bosnia

    Austria-Hungarian annexing of Bosnia is met with mass outrage in the Balkans.
  • Second Moroccan crisis

    Germany sends gunboat SMS Panther to the Moroccan port of Agadir on 1 July 1911.
    Britain announces support for France.
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdiand

    Austria Archduke, Franz Ferdiand and his wife are assassinated by Serbian nationalists in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo during a visit. This is widely seen as the catalyst to the war that was largely made inevitable in the prior years.
  • Austrian Outrage

    Austria blames Serbia for the assassination but refrains from declaring war due to Serbia alliance with Russia.
  • The blank Cheque

    Kaiser WIlhelm pledges unconditional support for Austria in their response to Serbia and the assassination.
  • Austrian Ultimatum

    Austria issues and Ultimatum to Serbia threatening war on them unless they agreed on a series of terms including taking responsibility for the assassination
  • Austria declares war

    Austria declared war on Serbia
  • Russian mobilisation

    Russian mobilises in response to Germany and Austria declaration of war
  • France mobilises

  • German declarations of war

    Germany declares war on Russia and its ally, France, partly due to its blank cheque issued to Austria.
  • Invasion of Belgium

    Germany attempts to invade France through Belgium to avoid war on two fronts.
    This was ultimately a failure as Britain declared war on Germany for invading Belgium.
  • Japan declares war on Germany

    Japan, allied to Britain, declared war on Germany.