
the constitution of the united states By RobertMcCormick

  • Articals of Confederation adopted

    Articals of Confederation adopted
    the second contintial congress adopted the articles of confederation
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
  • shays rebellion

    shays rebellion
    1786 daniel shays a massitussits farmer organized over athousand farmers to protest against the taxis.
  • Virginia Plan

    Virginia Plan
  • north west orridance

    set new tarritories to become states.
  • The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention
  • the constitution ratified by the first state

    deleware becomes the first state to ratify the constitoution.
  • 4 more states raified the constituotion.

    Pennsalvainya, New Jersy, Gorigia, Conniticute
  • consitoution ratified by one more states

    New Hampasure.
  • debate over the bill of rights

    this debate was over protecting the the citizens rights the delagits felt these rights must be part of th constituition.
  • constituotion ratified by the 8 and the final state

    Rhode Island