Articles of Confederation adopted
The Articles of Confederation was the firot plan the government that left the central government weak and gave most of the power to the states. -
First President of the United States was Elected
George Washington was the first president to be choosen to be president of the United States. -
Treaty of Paris
Gave United States most of the land,the land is called Nortwest Territories -
Shay's Rebellion
shay's Rebellion was when Daniel Shays orginized over 1000 farmers to protest against Massuchusetts high taxes on farm land. -
The Constitution Convention
The Constitutional Conventionwas when the 12 states sent deagates to write theconsitution in stead of the Articles of Confederation. -
Virginia Plan
The Convention, the delagates voted to accept part of the Virginia Plan -
New Jersey Plan
The New Jersey Plan gave all the states equel pwer. -
Northwest Ordinance
The northwest Ordinance was a law that allowed new territories to have a chance to become a state. -
Signing of the Costention
The delegates to the Constitution signed the Constitution of the United States. -
The Constitution ratified by the first state
Delaware becomes the first state to ratify the Consitution. -
Four more states ratified the Consitution
Pennsylvanai, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut ratified the Consitution. -
Debate over the Bill of Rights
Debate was over protectingcitizns rights. Debate felt these rights are posibly to be part of the Consitution. -
Constitution ratified one more state
New Hampshire ratified the 9th state of the Constitution -
The Great Compromise
The Great Compromise is when congress would have 2 sepream houses ; the repersanities and decongress. -
The people held the power this country that is a democracy. -
Constitution ratfied the final state
Rhode Island ratified the Costitution. -
Supreme Court granted Certain Right
The Supreme Court can put a stop to any law passed by congress or signed by the president that it decides is not allowed by the Constitution. -
The Bill Of Rights was Added to The Constitution