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The constitution of the united states

  • Articels of confederation adopted

    Articels of confederation adopted
    the articals of confederation was the first form of govermint for the U.S, it gaveit gave most of the power to the states and left a week govermint.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    whene the united states got most of the land from the atlantick ocan to the mississippt river.
  • Shay`s Rebellion

    Shay`s Rebellion
    Danyel Shays and a thousand farmers rebeled agunst high taxs on farm land.
  • The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention
    The meeting of 12 states deligates philidelphia pencelvainya thuat respect the articals of confederation with new constition
  • Virgina Plan

    Virgina Plan
    the plan adopted by the constitunal convention.
  • New Jersey Plan

    New Jersey Plan
    the plan offerd by the constitutnal ocnvention.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    The Northwewst Ordinants would alow teritorys or settilments to eventoal state hood.
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    The plan gron up by the constitutional convention.
  • Preamble

  • Preamble

    The introdsuction to the constitution.
  • Sining of the Constitution

    Sining of the Constitution
    the deligates of the c.c all agreed apon and singed the constitution.
  • the constitutoin ratifyed by first state

    delawhere becaums the first to ratify the constitution.
  • 5 more states ratify the consitiution

    5 more states ratify the consitiution
    georga,pencilvaina,new jersy,and coneticut ratify the copnstitution.
  • constitution fratifyed by one more state

    constitution fratifyed by one more state
    nem hampshier ratifys the constitution.
  • debate over the bill of rights

    debate over the bill of rights
    this debate was overproctecting citizins rights the delagates that vthat these righutes must be part of thne constitution.
  • first president of the U.S was electicd

    first president  of the U.S was electicd
    george washington was chosen to be first president or the U.S.
  • first president was inogerated

    first president was inogerated
    george washington was inogerated on a balciny in new yorck city.
  • constitution ratifyed by 8th and final state

    constitution ratifyed by 8th and final state
    rohide island 8th and final to ratify the constitution.
  • the bill of rightes was addie to the constitution

    the  bill of rightes was addie to the constitution
    the bill of rightes are the first 10 commandmints
  • supreme court grantedcertian rightes

    supreme court grantedcertian rightes
    if a law is not copnstitunal it can not be passed.