
The Computer History (Sunand G7A)

  • The difference engine

    The difference engine
    This is when the difference engine was first built.
  • Period: to

    The early History

    -Charles Babbage had wanted to ivent a programable machine
    -first difference engine was complete
    -made a small scale model
    -he did not finish his work
    -Ada Lovelace had completed his work after
  • Period: to

    The First Generation

    The First Generation 1940 - 1956
    The main component of this
    generation was the vacuum tubes.
    Input: Punch cards and paper tape
    Output: printouts
    Memory storage devices: Magnetic Drum Memory & Magnetic Core Memory
    Two Examples of Computers :

    The Eniac was completed on 1945.

    The first UNIVAC-I was delivered.
  • Period: to

    The Second Generation

    The Second Generation 1956 - 1963
    The main component of this
    generation was the Transistors.
    Input: Punch cards
    Output: printouts
    Memory storage devices: Magnetic cores
    Two Examples of Computers :
    IBM 7094 series & IBM 1400 series
  • IBM 1400 Series

    IBM 1400 Series
    This was When The IBM 1400 was released, during the early 1960s.
  • IBM 7094

    IBM 7094
    The first IBM 7094 was manufactured.
  • Period: to

    The Third Generation

    The Third Generation 1964 - 1975
    The main component of this
    generation was the integrated circuits.
    Input: keyboards
    Output: monitors
    Two Examples of Computers :
    UNIVAC AC 9000 & IBM 370
  • IBM 360

    IBM 360
    The IBM 360 was delivered.
  • UNIVAC AC 9000

    UNIVAC AC 9000
    The UNIVAC 9000 series was introduced during the mid-1960s.
  • Period: to

    Fourth Generation

    the Fourth Generation 1975 - present day
    The main component of this
    generation was and is the microprocessors
    Input: keyboards
    Output: monitors
    Examples of Computers :
    Apple Macintosh & IBM PC
  • Apple Macintosh

    Apple Macintosh
    This was when Steve Jobs had presented the Apple Macintosh for the first time.