Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
The Colonies of New York
Jan 1, 1524
Manhathan New Land
Giovanni De Verrazano was the first person to discover Manhatthan -
Jan 1, 1524
The King of England forbid Henry Hudson to return to Neverland -
Exploring New Land
Henry Hudson ship sailed lower bay of New York.Ship Halfmoon -
Finished Construction a for in New Amsterdam -
Dutch settlement bagan by the dutch west indian company -
new york
english capture colony from dutch and become new york -
Ny was officiy granted resprective style of goverment -
new amsterdam
one of the larger colonies,the colony of new amsterdam began with just 30 dutch families. -
7 of the 13 colonies
seven of the colonie assemblies met in albany to disscuss coming together for mutual defense and goverment,thogh the proposal was ultimatly rejected