The Cold War to Civil Rights

  • Sinews of Peace

    Iron Curtain SpeechIron Curtain speech by Winston Churchill- "an iron curtain had descended on Europe"
  • Truman Doctrine Issued

    An international policy in which the United States would help can country that is falling into communism
  • Rio Pact

    Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal AssistanceU.S. meet 19 Latin American countries and create a Sercurity Zone around the Hemisphere.
  • Brussels Pact

    Brussels Pact
    The Brussels TreatyBrussels Pact organized to protect Europe from communism.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Berlin AirliftBerlin BLockade begins and lasted for 11 months.
  • Mao Zedong take Control of China

    He took control of China and establishes the People's Republic of China.
  • Boom Times

    Boom Times
    Baby BoomersWhen the troops came back from their rough times fighting in World War , little did they know they were going to be experiencing a cultural damage. When they came back they went through a "Baby Boom". This boom was hwen everyone was building up their families.
  • Start of the Korean War

    In the early mornnings more than 100,00 North Korean troops crossed over the 38th paarallel and invaded South Korea.
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    Korean War

  • Ending Fights in Korea

    Ending Fights in Korea
    The United States entered peace talks to figure out ways to end the was in Korea.
  • Long Time Soviet Union Leader

    Long Time Soviet Union Leader
    The death of Joseph StalinJoseph Stalin, Soviet Unions ruthless dictator, had died. He led the Soviets through a horrible history for his country. He also led his nation to the Cold War.
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    Nuclear Arm Race

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    Vietnam War

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Montgomery Bus BoycottThis boycott was started by Rosa Parks. When she refused or give up her seat to a white passenger on the bus she was riding.
  • Soviet Union suppressed Poznan

    USSR sent tanks into Poznan, Poland, to suppress demonstrations by workers.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    Suez CrisisSuez Crisis began wiht Israeli attack led by Moshe Dayan against Egyptian forces in the SInai, Egypt took control of Suez Canal
  • Sit-In Movement

    Sit-In Movement
    Sit-In MovementIn Greenshboro, North Carolina, four college students began to sit-in campaign at their lunch counter. These student were African American students and they were sitting at a white person counter. Here, the waiters refu\sed to give them service because they weren't sitting in the right place.
  • Cuba and Russia

    Cuba openly aligns itself with the Soviet Union and thier policies.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    Berlin WallThe construction of the Berlin wall began.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Martin Luther King's Assasianation

    Martin Luther King's Assasianation
    Martin Luther King's AssassinationThe Assasination of Martin Luther King</a>King wnet to Memphis, Tenessee to help aid African American Sanitatary workers who were holding a strike. King was standing on his balcony of his motel. James Earl Roy shot MLK Jr. with a rifle.
  • The March on Washington

    The March on Washington
    The march on WashingtonThis was one of the largest Civil Rights Demostration. They held this campaign in Washington to build wtheir support on the movement.
  • President JFK Assassination

    President JFK Assassination
    The assasination of JFKKennedy rode in an open car through the city of Dallas to a sight where he was going to present a speech. Just shortly on his ride there shots Rang through the air, fateally wondering and actually killing President Kennedy.
  • A-Bombs

    China joins the a bomb clubChina Develops the A-bomb.
  • North Korean and U.S.S.R

    North Korea captures U.S.S.R. Pueble