Started some time during 1937 The HUAC was tasked with finding communists living in America. -
Hollywood 10
Ten people from hollywood refused to answer any questions and were blacklistsed. -
UN Created
Was made to replace the legue of Nations. -
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Yalta Conference
The World leaders meet to dicuss how Europe would be divid to insure a another World War would not happen. -
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Nuclear Arms Race
A race to build up nuclear arms between America and Russia. -
Potsdam Conference
World War II leaders meet to discuss post war agreement for Eroupe. -
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Postdam Conference
North Veitnam falls 5to communism. -
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USSR leaders during the cold war
Joseph Stalin,Leonid Brezhnev,Nikita Khrushchev were the leaders. -
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US leaders during cold war
Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon -
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Rest of the World leaders
Fedel Castro,Mao Zedong,Ngo Dinh Diem -
Truman Doctrine
Truman Doctrine was created. It gave aid to countries that mit fall to communism. -
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Red scare
Frear of communists taking over America. -
CIA was founded helped with the war on communism. -
Marshall Plan
Marshall Plan was Established. It helped countries that mit fall to communism with finantional aid. -
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Berlin Blockade/ Berlin airlift
Russias part of Berlin was blocked off and America used the planes to get food and supplies which is known as the Berlin Airlift. -
North Korea
North Korea falls to communism. -
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NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization which helped the war on communism. -
Joseph McCarthy
On this day he made a speech about having a list o0f 205 senitars that were communist. -
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Korean war
It was a war between North and South Korea. America joined the south side and Russia joined the North side which made this war turn into a cold war struggle. -
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Warsaw Pact
Communist counter to NATO. -
Vietnam War Escalation
North Vietnam becomes communism and threatens to takeover south vietnam so America comes to their aid. -
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Vietnam War
It was a war between North and South Vietnam. America joined the south side and Russia joined the North side which made this war turn into a cold war struggle. -
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Space Race
A race between Russia and America to dominate space. -
Sputnick goes into space by the Russians. -
NASA is created. -
Cuba falls to communism -
U2 Crisis
US U2 plan was shot down over Russia which raised tention of
nuclear war. -
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Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was used to seperate berlin between the communiste side and the noncommunist side the communiste side was the one who built it. -
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Cuban Missle Crisis
Russia send Missiles into Cuban America found out America told Russia to move them they did crisis over. -
Tet Offensive
Cease fire on a Vietnams new year, but the North did some suprise attacks on the South. -
Man on the Moon
Neil Armstrong takes first step on the moon. -
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Nixson's plan to pull are troops out of Vietnam. -
kent state
Shootings at Kent state happened because of the conterversy souronding the Vietnam war. -
Bay of Pigs
A failed invasion to overthrow Fedel Castro.