Period: to
The Yalta Conference
United Nations formed
Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech
Introduction of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan
Period: to
The Berlin Blockade
Creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
Mao's Communists are victorious in the Chinese Civil War
The Korean War begins
Warsaw Pact signed
Period: to
Hungarian uprising
USSR launches Sputnik
Construction of Berlin Wall
Period: to
The Cuban Missile Crisis
JFK assassinated
The Suez Crisis
America enters the Vietnam War
Period: to
Detente in Europe
US Astronauts land on the moon
The creation of the democratic West Germany
SALT2 pact signed
Russia invades Afghanistan
Gorbachev becomes president of the USSR, introduces policy of “glasnost”
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Period: to
Collapse of the USSR