
The Cold War: Events and Effects

  • Defeat of Germany and Japan

    Germany and japan were defeated by the allies
  • Yalta Conference

    meeting of FDR, Churchill, Stalin - the 'Big Three'
    Soviet Union has control of Eastern Europe. The Cold War Begins
  • VE Day

    • Victory in Europe. Germany surrenders to the Red Army in Berlin
  • Atomic bomb

    The United States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima (20 kiloton bomb 'Little Boy' kills 80,000)
  • Russia vs Japan

    Russia declares war on Japan
  • Atomic bomb 2.0

    The United States drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki (22 kiloton 'Fat Man' kills 70,000
  • Japs surrenduer

    : Japanese surrender End of World War II
  • VJ Day

    Emperor surrender broadcast - VJ Day
  • Operation crossroads

    Operation Crossroads with Test Able was the first public demonstration of America's atomic arsenal
  • Marshall plan

    Marshall Plan is announced setting a precedent for helping countries combat poverty, disease and malnutrition
  • Berlin closed

    Berlin boarded is closed
  • Berlin wall begins

    Construction of berlin wall begins
  • Berlin wall down

    The berlin wall is torn down and people are reunited