Period: to
Cold War
Cold War Starts
The "Big Three" was created and Soviet Union dominated all of Eastern Europe, creating Cold War. -
End of WWII
The Japanese surrender, which ended WWII. -
Marshall Plan
US gave $13 billion to Western Europe to recover from WWII. -
NATO The North Atlantic Treaty Organization seeks world peace. It was initially signed by Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, Iceland, Luxembourg, United States, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Portugal. -
Russia's 1st Atomic Bomb
History Channel "First Lightning" was the Soviet's first atomic bomb and was tested in a man-made community. -
US Hydrogen Bomb
US successfully detonates first H-Bomb "Mike" on Pacific Marshall Islands, leaving a crater over 1 mile wide. -
Space Race
Soviets launch first space satelite, Sputnik. This intimidated US because they were so technologically advanced. US created its first satelite, Explorer, thus creating the space race. -
JKF Presidency
John F Kennedy was elected president of the US. -
Berlin Wall
A wall was created separating East and West Berlin. The wall was built to keep fascist out of the new socialist country. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
The 13 day crisis between US and Soviet was a threat over nuclear missles. This was the closest the world has ever gotten to a nuclear war. -
JFK Assassinated
President of US John F Kennedy was assassinated in Texas. -
Richard Nixon Presidency
Richard Nixon was elected President of the US. -
Apollo 11
US lands Apollo 11 on the moon, making history with 1st ever man on the moon. -
President Nixon goes to Soviet Union and signs Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. This was an agreement to only hold a certain amount of missles in Russia. -
Nixon Resigns
US President Nixon resigns do to Watergate scandal. -
Reagan Presidency
Ronald Reagan became President of the US. -
Berlin Wall Destroyed
The Berlin Wall was taken down, allowing East and West Germany to unite after 30 years. -
Fall of Soviet Union
In late 1989, the Soviet Union was on a steady decline. Most of Europe was becoming independent and relying less on the Soviets. -
End of Cold War
The Soviet Union was ended, and resulted in the end of the Cold War.