World War II Ends
The end of WWII was an important catalyst to the confrontaion the Soviet Union would start having with the United States, eventually leading to the Cold War. Source: Nelson, J. (2011). Automotive history: Celebrating V-J day - When cars came home from the war. Retrieved from: http://www.curbsideclassic.com/automotive-histories/automotive-history-celebrating-v-j-day-when-cars-came-home-from-the-war/ -
Division of Germany
After Germany's surrender, Great Britain, France, the U.S. and the Soviet Union divided Germany amongst themselves. Once again, this demonstrated the beginnings of tensions between the US and USSR. Source: History question: How was Berlin divided in the wake of WWII? (2008). Retrieved from: http://askville.amazon.com/History-question-Berlin-divided-wake-WWII/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=10090995 -
Iron Curtain
As mentioned in the lecture, here, Europe and the broader world were dividing in to broader camps and mistrust began to brew. Source: Omri. (2009). Hike and bike your way along the cold war's most dangerous vault line. Retrieved from: http://www.jaunted.com/tag/Iron%20Curtain%20Trail -
Communist in Poland
When communists started an invasion and war with no formal declaration in Poland, it began showing their rise to power; something the U.S. received as threatening. Source: Communist Party of Poland. (2015). Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_Poland -
Berlin Blockade
Ther Berlin Blockade is repeatedly named as one of the first major crisis from the Cold War. Here, the Soviet Union blocked any roads and trains leading to Berlin. Source: Christensen. (2015). Berlin Blockade. Retrieved from: https://strittprojects.wikispaces.com/Berlin+Blockade+-+Christensen -
Korean War Starts
The Korean War was an event where war tensions between the US and Soviet Union were coming to head. The US assisted the South and China - whose ally was the Soviet Union - assisted the North. Source: McAllister, C. (n.d.) Mapping world history. Retrieved from: http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/amer_hist_survey/resources/htmls/chapter_maps/ah27_koreanwarm.jpg -
Warsaw Pact
This was a treaty among communist states which was ideally to give the Soviet Union power over those states. Source: Warsaw Pact. (2015). Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw_Pact -
Man-made Satelite
First man-made satelite to be launched into space by the Soviet Union and caused US to race into spacel; further demonstrating their constant competition. Source: Harding, J. (2012). Why it's best to play golf on the moon. Retrieved from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/books/article-2182840/ITS-NOT-ROCKET-SCIENCE-BY-BEN-MILLER-Why-best-play-golf-moon.html -
Bay of Pigs
With communism seemingly threatening the U.S., the U.S. felt strongly about overthrowing the leaders. However, it was a failed mission. Source: Baker, C. (2015). Expedition details. Retrieved from: http://www.nationalgeographicexpeditions.com/expeditions/cuba-cultural-tour/detail -
Berlin Wall begins
Soviet Union tried to starve allies so they could leave. Source: Schoeder, K. (2011). Watching the wall go up: West Berliners felt abandoned and powerless. Retrieved from: http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/watching-the-wall-go-up-west-berliners-felt-abandoned-and-powerless-a-778167.html -
Cuban Missle Crisis
US and Soviet Union tension becomes intense but they reach an agreement to dismantle missiles. Source: Bates, D. (2012). "Go in there and frig around..." Retrieved from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2207946/Revealed-JFKs-stabbing-generals-mocked-President-battled-avoid-regarded-trigger-happy-Americans-lost-Berlin.html -
Soviet and Cuba Communism
What was once a strong relationship, deterriorated overtime. Source: Cuban Missiles Crisis Countdown: Photos. (2012). Retrieved from: http://news.discovery.com/history/cuban-missile-crisis-anniversary-121023.htm -
Reagan and Gorbachev
Relationship between Reagan and Gorbachev show a more peaceful relationship in the future. Source: Ebersole, P. (2011). Ronald Reagan the peacemaker. Retrieved from: https://philebersole.wordpress.com/2011/02/14/ronald-reagan-the-peacemaker/ -
Berlin Wall goes down
Both literal and symbolic border finally was torn down demonstrating political change on the horizon. Source: ABC News. (2014). Berlin Wall came down 25 years ago. Retrieved from: http://abcnews.go.com/International/berlin-wall-25-years-ago/story?id=26714577 -
Soviet Union destroyed
Soviet Union hands power over to Russia. Source: Fall of the Soviet Union. (2015). Retrieved from: http://misslipperthistorywiki.wikispaces.com/Fall+of+the+Soviet+Union-+Ryan,+Derrick,+Kelly