U.S policy of containment
When the U.S made a rule so that cummnustist wouldn't spread through out the world and hey did this because thy really don't like communist because they are democracy -
The day the competition starts
This was when the United Sates and Soviet Union started a war to see who weapon was better adn this was bad because this was two of the best countries going at it and they both have nukes so this could destroy the whole world -
The Nato
It was an alliance to couterweight the soviet union so the did this so that the soviet union would do the same thing as the Germans and just decide to take over the whole world and start a world war 3 -
The war saw pact
This was like a paper for an alliance to be form and the soviet union was in it also 11 other nation signed the paper so anyone outside the paper attack them thy would help that person. -
The Berlin wall was made
This when the soviet union made a wall so they cold keep people out of their land they kill many people amd only fewe was able to leave -
The Berlin wall falls
The great berlin wall was destroyed and It didn't stand tall and mighty anymore and the reasin this happend because the U.S president want to destroy the wall so they did -
When the war ends
This is whe the cold war was ending and everything was starting to die down and the war was ending and then the war ended this was good that they stop because if they kept going then they would have gooten to nukes and the whole world come have been desstroyed but are safe