Brett, Howard, Gilbert ------ The Cold War Begins

  • Churchill’s “Iron Curtain Speech”

    it is remembered as the announcement to the world of the beginning of the cold war, and by giving the speech to inform the people that the world has been divided between Capitalism and Communism which refer to the division going through German.
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    The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan (European Recovery Program) was an American initiative to aid Western Europe. It stabilized war-shattered Europe and helped it restore its industrial and agricultural production. It helped rebuild Western European economies after the end of World War II.
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    The Berlin Airlift

    It was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. It was a time period which three allies were forced by the Soviet Union to feed the city of Berlin by flying in all food and supplies to help Berliners survive. It is considered one of the most remarkable aviation feats of all time.
  • United States Joins NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union. It helped to keep peace in the Balkans and combat the Taliban-led insurgency in war-torn Afghanistan.
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    The Korean War

    Korean War is a war between North Korea and South Korea, the war started as soldiers in North Korea crossed the 38th parallel, the boundary between North and South Korea. The fight fought for 3 years and over 50000 soldiers and civilians lost their lives. Its importance is the war is facing international communism, also if the war can’t handle well, the US might have war with Russia and China, which might cause World War 3. In 1953 the war ended but the Korean peninsula is still divided today.
  • The Chinese Civil War

    It's the difference in thinking between the CCP and KMT, and it was the fight for legitimacy as the government in China. it was the third largest war in the history of the world after WWI and WWII.
  • US First Hydrogen Bomb Test

    After the Soviets successfully detonated an atomic bomb in 1949, US Truman is worried about the results and quickly started the plan to make a hydrogen bomb. The first hydrogen bomb “Mike” was dropped in the island of Elugelab in the Eniwetok Atoll. The explosion is so large that it damaged few by islands too. It did not only show the science of US but show more about its power since if other countries want to attack the US, they will have to prepare the consequences they face.
  • USSR First Hydrogen Bomb Test

    Before the true first hydrogen bomb test, the USSR has failed many times. They have made bombs that are small that can be carried through airplanes but the power of the bomb compared to America is too small. After many times of experiments and following the “Layer Cake” design, the first explosion is done on the Semipalatinsk test site. This shows its scientific ability and also shows USSR is not a country that other countries can mess with.