The Cold War

  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The first phase of the cold world war began in the first two yearsafter of second world war in 1945.
  • Published

    Published 19 October 1945 in the british newspaper tribune.
  • Cold War In 1947

    Cold War In 1947
    The cold war when asked in 1947 about the source of the team , lippmann traced it to a french form the 1930s
  • The Berlin Blockade

    The Berlin Blockade
    was the first major crisis of the cold war
  • Chinese civil war

    Chinese civil war
    the chienese civil war and the out break of the Korean war 1950-53
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    the expanison and escalation sparked more crises, such as the suez crisis
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, leaders of the U.S. and the Soviet Union engagled in a tense 13 day political
  • Ussr

    The USSR crused the 1968 prague springliberlization peogram in czechosiovakia and the vietnam war (1955-1975)
  • Doing 1970

    Doing 1970
    both sides had become interested in accmmodations to create a more stable and perdictable international
  • Detente

    Detente collapsed at the end of the decade with Soviet war in Afganistan beginning in 1979
  • The cold war in 1980

    The cold war in 1980
    The early 1980s were another period of elevated tension, with the soviet downing of korean air lines flight 1983 and the " Able Archer" Nato military exercises 1983.