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Berlin Airlift
The Soviet Union blockaded the Western Allies, keeping them from food, water, goods. America would airlift goods to them. On May 12, the Soviet Union lifted the blockade. -
Creation of NATO
It was created by the U.S., Canada, and many Western European that provided security. It was also the first peacetime military alliance the U.S. participated in. -
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Korean War
Was a war between South Korea and North Korea. North Korea invaded South Korea first. The U.S. sent 90% of the troops to help South Korea. -
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Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was caused by the separation of Europe to prevent the spread of communist ideas. United States left the war with the Paris Peace Accords. -
The Soviet Union launched the first artificial earth satellite. They launched it into a low earth orbit, orbiting for three weeks until its battery died. -
Construction of Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was a barrier that separated Germany. It was built by the German Democratic Republic. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was a 13 day conflict between the USSR and the United States. This was possibly the closest that America and the Soviet Union got to nuclear war. -
Moon Landing
The arrival of a spacecraft on the surface of the moon. United States Apollo 11 was the first mission to land of the moon. -
Destruction of Berlin Wall
This important event led to the end of the Cold War. Pressure was put on East German to travel to West Germany, tearing down the Iron Curtain. -
Creation of Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was a treaty between the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries. This treaty was a military and political alliance between the counties.