
The Cold War

By aradway
  • Cold War Began

    Cold War Began
    The Cold War began this year, although the first battle was not in this time. This is when countries began disagreeing and taking up precautions against one another. Lecture
  • Berlin Blockade/Airlift

    Berlin Blockade/Airlift
    Stalin closes off highway routes that got Western Allies to get supplies into their city. Truman however takes things into his hands and starts sending planes over West Berlin, dropping supplies that were needed. This is important because it shows that the 'Berliners' were being silly. Also that Truman was an Ally and was willing to help.Lecture
  • First Battle of the Cold War

    First Battle of the Cold War
    This is when the first battle of the Cold war happened, this is important because it was the start of a 20 year war betwwen democrats and communists. Facts
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was made in retalliation of N.A.T.O. NATO was made to prevent any kind of scenario like which started WWII. This Pact brought together several countries and divided into armed camps. This was just a sign of the growing mis-trust between the Soviets and the United States because the United States was apart of NATO. These two programs showed how much Europe was involved in InternationaLecture
  • Sputnik

    The Soviets were the first to launch an explorer into space, which was an unthinkable thing until it happened. The US quickly launched their own into space so as to not be bested by the Soviets. This opened up the opportunity for missles to be an option in
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The start of Kennedy's Presidency, he tried to get rid of Fidel Castro who took over Cuba, this failed. Castro knew of the President's plan to invade with an army of Cuban rejects, once they reached the beach, they were fired upon. Because we could not stop Castro, he continued to be involved with Russia, and that lead to him helping with the Cuban Missile Crisis.Lecture
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    FactsIn response to Bay of Pigs, the Soviet Union installed missile launchers. US planes discovered these, and in response said that if any missile came from the Soviets, that it would result in a full scale retalliation. Nikita Khrushchev agreed that there would be no launch on the US and in return Kennedy would not invade CubaJFK
  • SALT

  • Cold war ends!

    Cold war ends!
    It was the end of a 45 year war. No one truly 'won' the war, but it was good that it was iver because that meant no more money had to be spent on it, and the United States coud relax...for a little while.UShistory