VE day
VE day (victory day in Europe) is the day when the allies won WW2. Hitler killed himself in his under ground bunker and on may 7th Germany surrendered. The next day the war in Europe ended and it was named VE day. Hitler underestimated the ability of the soviet union which lead to his demise. -
Manhattan project
This was a project to make an atomic bomb. The first bomb they successfully tested was in July of 1945 at Alamogordo, mexico. A report of the successful test was brought to the president of the time, Harry Truman. He knew the atomic bomb was a very powerful weapon of mass destruction but, he still used it to save the lives of his american citizens. This lead to the mass devastation in the city of Hiroshima, japan. The bomb fattened 4 square miles and instantly killed 70,000 people. -
The Truman doctrine
Truman highlighted a new policy to congress: " I believe that i must be the policy of the united states to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." this was the "rooted" idea of containment, limiting communism to the areas already under soviet control. -
seperations of allies
In 1947 the allies concluded peace agreements with several axis nations. "However reparations in Germany and the nature of the governments of Eastern Europe caused divisions to deepen between the former allies." Clashing ideologies and shared distrust soon lead to conflict now known as the Cold war. -
cold war
The cold war was a state of tension and hostility between nations allied with the U.S.A on one side and the soviet union on the other, But no actual armed or menacing conflict happened. It was a war of technology and sports, the nations wanted to out do each other. Stalin had 2 goals in Eastern Europe; First, he wanted to spread communism in the area. Secondly he wanted to create a "buffer free zone of friendly governments as a defense against Germany." Roosevelt and Churchill rejected this idea -
Marshall plan
The united states offered this giant package deal. In this deal the United States funneled food and economics assistance to Europe to assist other countries when rebuilding. America helped the devastated Europe recover from war. President Trueman also asked the soviet union if they needed assistance but Stalin declined and forbade other eastern european countries from allowing America's help. -
berlin wall collapses
The communist government began to build a barbed wire and concrete wall called the “Antifascistischer Schutzwall" in between east and west Berlin. The main purpose of this wall was to keep "fascist" from entering Germany and messing up the socialist state. The wall stood until November 9th of 1989. On that day the leader of the east Germany communist party stated that citizens of the "GDR" could pass the border whenever they wanted.