the cold war

  • German Unification

    German Unification
    A reunion of German citizens.
  • Birth of Kim Jong-ill

    Birth of Kim Jong-ill
    The birth of the one of the most terrible person in history
  • the cold war starts in Potsdam

    the cold war starts in Potsdam
    The event that leads US and USSR in a terrifying struggle of winner take all in power of politics
  • Period: to

    The cold war

  • yalta conference

    yalta conference
    President F.D.R , Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin meet to discuss what to do with Germany
  • first bullet fired in cold war

    first bullet fired in cold war
    Vietnam is what started the wars in what was the cold war
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The US try to influence the people of Europe by providing money to rebuild homes after WWII
  • berlin blockade

    berlin blockade
    a attempt to have us troops surrender berlin
  • the berlin airlift

    the berlin airlift
    A attempt to keep berlin on the side of Democracy
  • Period: to

    Berlin Wall

    The USSR are trying to force US troops to leave Germany
  • Arms race

    Arms race
    A deadly game of who can make the biggest explosion in atomic warfare
  • Korean war

    Korean war
    The start of a deadly relationship between North Korea and USA. This also started Kim-Jong dictatorship
  • Nakita Khrushchev

    Nakita Khrushchev
    A new soviet leader but no real change
  • Death of Joseph Stalin

    Death of Joseph Stalin
    The death that would shock and bring joy to the world Joseph Stalin would die of old age but, the communist dictator's death would not bring joy for long
  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
    The war that in the end no one won but, the US lost and its people were sickened by it
  • the space race

    the space race
    the start of a fearful race between who has greater technology in the world US or USSR
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    A spy confrontation nearly starts a war
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    A terrifying time between US and USSR over ballistic missile deployment on Cuban soil
  • End of Vietnam

    End of Vietnam
    The end to a war that made the US people so angry
  • bay of pigs

    bay of pigs
    the overall worst plan in the history of invasions in US History
  • end of cold war

    end of cold war
    the conclusion to years of fear and hopelessness is finally arrived
  • inf treaty

    inf treaty
    A treaty to end fear of missile deployment