The Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution started with the ending of monarchy on March 8 1917 and halted with the formation of the Soviet Union on June 16 1923. -
Potsdam Conference
The Potsdam Conference which was held on July 17 1945 decided how to administer Germany and came up with post war requirments for unconditional surrender, on August 2 1945. -
Atomic Bombs, Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The two nuclear attacks killed between 129000 and 226000 Japanese people Hiroshima occured on August 6 1945 and Nagasaki occured on August 9 1945, They were the first showing of American nuclear weaponry. -
The Long Telegram
Russia stated that war was inevitable with the west. Joseph Kenet told American Government that Russia was insecure and wanted to seem that they were all powerful, they don't actually want war, scare them away with the showcasing of powerful military equipment. -
Iron Curtain
The Soviet Union took control of half of Europe dividing Europe into two halfs, the East was Russia and the West was NATO. -
Molotov Plan
A system created by the Soviet Union in order to aid eastern european countries that are aligned to be the Soviet's. -
The Truman Doctrine
A foreign policy designed by President Truman to counter act Soviet Union expansion in Europe geographically. -
Hollywood 10
The Hollywood 10 was the first instituted blacklist for movie actors and actresses, they were on this list because they refused to answer question in front of the HUAC during the communism hunt in America. -
Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan was a plan to send money as aid to foriegn countries, the Soviet Union declined the offer, and Turkey and Greece were generously supplied by the US. -
Berlin Blockade
The Soviets blocked road/railways turned off power, and blocked all entrances into Berlin which would lead to starvation, dehydration and inevitable death. The US would respond by dropping food and supplies into Berlin with the use of aircraft. -
Berlin Airlift
The Berlin Airlift was a startegy to bring supplies needed for survival into Berlin when the Berlin Blockade was still closed off from the outside. -
Alger Hiss
Alger was put on trial for suspection of epsionage. -
NATO is a large alliance between North American and European member states. If one member state is attacked than every member state is at war with whoever attacked, all members have some sort of militia, three are nuclear. -
First Soviet Bomb Test
The Soviets succesfully tested their first bomb many years before predicted amazing the world powers. -
Chinese Communist Revolution
The communist revolution in China resulted in the formation of the People's Republic of China, a communist governement. -
Korean War
The war was between North and South Korea starting when North Korea invaded South starting numerous border wars. -
Rosenberg Trial
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg had conspiracy theories of them commiting epsionage, and were executed per the electric chair at ages 35 and 37, they were killed with out cause. -
Army-McCarthy Hearings
These were a series of hearing taking place from April 22 1954 until June 17 1954. McCarthy claimed to have a list of 205 communist government officials, and he did not have any evidence or names. -
Warsaw Pact
The warsaw pact was a formation of european nations to counteract NATO. No military confrontation, but ideological wars. -
Hungarian Revolution
Began as a student protest and turned into a nation wide revolt. -
U2 Incident
A U2 spy plane was flying deep in Soviet Territory when it was shot down and crashed. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
A failed Cuban revolt against Fidel Castro that was backed by the US -
Berlin Wall
A wall that divided west from east Berlin. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
The Soviet Union has deployed ballistic missiles in Cuba to use against the US during the Cold War witch provoked America to threaten Russia -
Assassination of JFK
John F Kennedy was fatally shot in Texas in a motorcade by a former marine in a building along the street -
Invasion of Czechoslovakia
Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Soviet Union and Poland invaded Czechoslovakia with 250,000 Warsaw troops -
Nixon Visits China
President Nixon visited the Peoples Republic of China ending a 25 year no relation period and put the two nations on good terms. -
Reagan's Election
Ronald Reagan won the election against Jimmy Carter and 'realigned' the nation to be more conservative. -
SDI Announced
The Strategic Defense Initiative was a missle defense system designed to protect America from ICBM's. -
Geneva Conference with Gorbavech
Reagan met with Gorbavech to discuss the arms race and democracy -
Tear Down This Wall Speach
A speach given by Reagan in West Berlin telling Mikhail Gorbavich to tear down the wall dividing berlin. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall fell in November of 1989 and caused a chain reaction for the end of the Cold War