The War Against Communism

  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, head of the Jewish Agency announced the creation of an independant Jewish homeland called Israel. This caused much tension with the Palestinians who also strived to be free of persecution and the surrounding Arab states.
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    Korean War

    The Korean War was war against communism in Korea. The communist North Korea was assisted by the Soviet Union and China while the South was assisted by United Nations forces and led by the US
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    Vietnam War

    The Vietname war was a war between the Communist, North Vietnamese and South Vietnam with its allies, the United States. The long and expenive conflict ended with a withdrawl of American troops and the unification of Vietnam under communist control.
  • Launch of Sputnik

    Launch of Sputnik
    Sputnik, the satellite made by the Soviet Union, was the first artificial Earth satellite. This worried many Americans because it was in low orbit and at its apogee, only 584 miles away from Earth. It traveled around the world in one hour and 33 minutes and passes over the US several times a day.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    The Bay of Pigs Invasion was a failed CIA opperative in the Spring of 1961. The paramiltary group, under training by the CIA, attempted to storm the bay and try to overthrow the rule of Fidel Castro
  • Start of the Cuban Missile Crisis

    Start of the Cuban Missile Crisis
    An American U-2 Spy Plane flew over Cuba at a high altitude and the pilot took several photographs of Soviet forces assembling a long range ballistic missile
  • Isreal Gains Jerusalem

    Isreal Gains Jerusalem
    At approximately ten in the morning, Isreali forces gain control of Eastern Jerusalem. Days after, Isreal controls Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank
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    Yom Kippur War

    The Yom Kippur and Ramadan War was a war between the Israelis and the surrounding Arab states. Led by Syria and Egypt, the Arab armies attacked the Jews on their most holy holidays, Yom Kippur. This caught the Israelis by surprise and they were caught off guard. Many casualties were suffered, ending in a cease-fire.
  • Assassination of Egyptian President Sadat

    Muhammad Anwar El Sadat, third president of Egypt, was assassinated by fundamentalist army officers because of his attempt at peace with Israel. This slowed the process for growing peace between the hostile nations.
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    Tiananmen Square Protests

    Triggered by the death of Communist Party General Secretary, Hu Yaobang, the Tiananmen Square Protests were student-led and gained much support from local residents. Many military leaders attempted to suppress the protestors and brought in tanks and armed soldiers, causing several casualties to the unarmed civilians.