
The Cold War

  • Red Scare/mcarthyism

    Red Scare/mcarthyism
    McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. The red scare was fear that Americans would join the communist side as 50000 Americans were members of the communist party. It was feared that the party would spread. The govt. investigated millions of people. People were blacklisted due to their beliefs and many lost their jobs.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    First of all, containment is a policy to contain Soviet/communist influence within its boundaries. In 1947 Harry Truman asked Congress to provide $400 million worth of military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey. This would help the nation go against communist influence and rebuild its nation.
  • Marshall plan

    Marshall plan
    A proposition from Secretary of state George Marshall to help Europe rebuild its economy and resist communist pressure. Western Europe would be provided $12 billion in aid between 1948-1952. This was done to prevent communist support by Europes less fortunate.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    US, Britain, and France were ready to reunite Germany, but the Soviets refused. The allied powers joined their zones into a German federal republic and in response, Stalin closed off Berlin. Truman didn't want west Berlin to struggle nor did he want to start another war. He came up with the Berlin airlift. He would send planes carrying fuel, food, and supplies over West Berlin to maintain their hope. He dropped 5000 tons of supplies into the city every day to fuel his city. It ended May 12,1949
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    USA and USSR were competing for power. in 1957 soviet launched Sputnik, world first artificial satellite. The US feared the launch of a Soviet satellite could lead to the Soviets launching missiles at the US. The US then decided to create NASA, National Aeronautics & Space Administration. Us created it to compete with the Soviets.
  • Arms Race

    Arms Race
    Both USA and USSR built up their missiles and atomic weapons. Both sides wanted to excel more than the other so they continued to create hydrogen bombs, new rockets, and dangerous missiles. US feared the power of USSR and their ability to launch missiles since they were ahead of us. Due to USSR excelling the US tripled our number of the arsenal we had obtained.

    Both the USSR and the US wanted to form a better relationship. Treaties were signed to outlaw nuclear testing, nuclear information being spread and lower military spending for both sides. The US also formed better relations with China in 1979. Nixon then visited the Soviets and created the policy of detente. The sides then created SALT which limited military and weapons, even more, creating safer environments.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    Per Stalin's request, German soldiers began to build a wall in August 1961. This wall was to contain the east side or communist side of Germany. The Berlin wall sealed off West and East Berlin. Germany was divided into four zones at this time. Berlin, the capital, was also divided between the allies but remained in the Soviet territory.