Truman Doctrine
President Truman promises that the United States will help any country that is under the threat of a communist takeover. This doctrine fully committed the United States to giving its aid, though it was in its best interest. -
Marshall Plan
This was another offer of the United States to other countries in need of help. The Marshall Plan the United States' offer of economic aid to any European country. However, this plan was rejected by Stalin, so only the Western European countries were able to accept this aid throughout the cold war. -
Cominform was the Communist Information Bureau set up by the USSR for the Communist and Workers' Parties. These parties were the ones who set up the Eastern bloc that was basically controlled by Stalin and the USSR during the Cold War. -
Berlin Blockade
This was The USSR's response to the merging of the French, UK, and US partitions of Berlin. All road and rail links to this part were cut off and there was no access to food and supplies in western Berlin. However, these supplies were flown in by US and UK airplanes. This was known as the Berlin Airlift. -
Formation of NATO
NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization that formed between the countries of Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States. NATO's purpose is to fulfill the goals of the North Atlantic Treaty, or to protect the countries involved through political and military means. -
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Korean War
During the Cold War, North Korea was communist, while South Korea was not. North Korea felt like they needed to unify Korea under one communist regime, so they invaded South Korea, beginning the Korean War. South Korea was backed up by the US, and North Korea by the USSR. This war never officially ended, though a cease fire was proclaimed. -
Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was an agreement between the countries of East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, and the Soviet Union. This was similar to the formation of NATO as it was a collective defense treaty formed to unify and defend the countries involved in the pact. -
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Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was a long, armed conflict between North and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was fighting with its southern allies, the Vietcong, while South Vietnam was fighting with its ally of the US. Many were killed and the war ended with the withdrawal of the US and the unification of Vietnam under communist regime. -
Bay of Pigs
The US had the CIA secretly train and arm a force of Cuban Rebels to invade Cuba. The intention was to spark a form of revolution so the Communist Cuban government could be overthrown. However, this plan failed horribly and gave the US a bad reputation. -
Berlin Wall
The Berlin War was built between, and sealed the borders of, East and West Germany. This separated many people from their friends, family, opportunities, and jobs, which was devastating for Berlin. The wall lasted until November, 1989 when it was finally taken down. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
A US spy plane was flying over Cuba, and reported seeing the construction of a Soviet nuclear missile base. The US responded to this with a naval blockade and demanded that the missiles be removed. The USSR removed the missiles and fighting was avoided.