The Nuclear Arms Race
This was a competition between the Soviets and the U.S. to develop and manufacture ever more powerful and destructive power. -
The Cold War
An intense competition between the Soviet Union and the United States for global power and influence that lasted for 40 years. -
The Iron Curtain
The iron cutrain divided the free world of the West from the Soviet- dominated world of the East. -
The goal of this was to keep communism from spreading any further by containing or limiting, it to the countries where it had already taken hold. -
Marshall Plan
The United States sent vast amount of money to 16 Europe for rebuilding cities, roads, factories, and more. The life of these country improved which making it sucessful. -
Berlin Blockade
The blockade was to make the American and British to get out of West Germany but they did not want to start a war, so they let American planes be sent to the people of the West be fed for 10 months before it was taken down. -
Cuba became communism when Fidel Castro gain power, Eisenhower tried to maintain a friendly relationship with the new Cuban government. Castro Seized American-owned farms and businesses, Eiserrhoer broke off relations with Cuba -
Berlin Wall
The Soviet Union and East Germany decided to flee to West Berlin by putting a up a wall between two parts of the city. -
President Ronald Regan
President Ronald Reagan had not a problem about fighting communism. He announced the Soviet as an evil empire and greatly incresed military spending. But in Reagan's second term he softened toward the Soviet because of a new leader.