Marshall Plan
Communist takeover in Czechoslovakia
Berlin Blockade begins
NATO ratified
McCarthyism begins
Red Terror -
Korean War
Warsaw Pact formed
Krushchev calls for Peaceful Coexistence
Socialist states could peacefully coexist with capitalistic states. -
Hungarian Uprising
Demonstrates that the Warsaw pact is not ideologically unified, but this liberation movement is crushed by Warsaw pact forces -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Almost leads to a nuclear war between superpowers due to Brinkmanship -
Berlin Wall
Built to prevent further western expansion in the region -
Prague Spring ends
Ends when the soviet union invades followed by the Brezhnev Doctrine -
Nuclear Non-Proliferation
This treaty is signed -
Helsinki Accords
Provide a degree of detente during the cold war -
Vietnam War ends
Demonstrates the failure of containment and the Domino Theory -
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Leads to increase in hostilities -
Trade union organizes the pro-democracy movement in Poland -
Berlin Wall is torn down
A year later Germany is reunited -
START is signed
to reduce the number of nuclear weapons being created as a form of deterrence -
Warsaw Pact is dissolved
with some members seeking to join NATO -
Collapse of the Soviet Union
Effectively ending the cold war