Cold war

The Cold War

By EmmaLiz
  • The Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference
    This Conference marks the beginning of the end of WW2, and in some ways, the start of the Cold War between the USSR and the USA. At this conference, the two countries were the superpowers of the world, and they disagreed about what would happen once they won the war.
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  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    The United States drops the first Atomic Bomb used in the history of the world on Hiroshima, Japan. This contrinuted to the Cold War, because it was proof of the existence and the willingness to use these atomic weapons.
    Image from:!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/atomic-bombing-hiroshima-nagasaki-69-years.jpg
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

    The non-combative fight between the Soviet Union and the United States.
  • NATO established

    NATO established
    NATO, or the North Atlantic Treaty Oganization is established. It was a treaty of defenses among the countries in the picture. This attacked the USSR directly, because now all of these countries were allied together if the USSR were to srike.
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  • USSR explodes Atomic Bomb

    USSR explodes Atomic Bomb
    On this day, the USSR exploded their first Atomic Bomb. This was in defense against America. Now they were sitting on atomic weapons, and the US knew that they couldn't attack the USSR without starting a full out atomic war, which niether side wanted.
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  • Armistice of the Korean War

    Armistice of the Korean War
    This marks the actual end of the Korean War. They fought to a stalemate, and the country remains split to this day. North Korea was part of the USSR and South Korea was backed by NATO during the Cold War.
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  • Warsaw Pact Established

    Warsaw Pact Established
    The Warsaw pact is established. This is an alliance created in retaliation of the NATO being created. The image shows which countries belonged to this alliance.
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  • The Korean War Begins

    The Korean War Begins
    The Korean War, betwen North Korea and South Korea was a Cold War conflict because it was a way for the two sides to fight without fighting directly. Democracy ( the US and England) backed South Korea while Communism (The USSR and China) backed North Korea.
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  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    The Soviet Union launches the first man-made satelite, Sputnik 1. This event lead both countries to the famous Space Race. They were the superpowers of the world, and were fighting for supremacy for space travel and exploration.
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  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 lands on the moon. America wins the Space Race in a way. They are the first country to land people on the moon. This gives the country momentum, because the USSR had so many other firsts in the Space Race. It was in this moment that they were no longer playing "Catch-up."
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  • The Berlin Wall is built

    The Berlin Wall is built
    The Berlin Wall is built between East Germany and West Germany. This was a physical barrier between the Soviets and the US. This was a very physcal representation of the conflict between these superpowers.
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  • The Cuban Missle Crisis

    The Cuban Missle Crisis
    In retaliation to an invasion, the USSR placed missles in Cuba, and the US found them. This lead to a fourteen day conflict called the Cuban Missle Crisis. They finally came to an agreement that the USSR would dismantle these offensive missles.
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  • Nixon visits China

    Nixon visits China
    President Nixon visited China. This allowed America an insight into what was actually going on in China. They had been so closed off with their communist government, and Nixon started to break down those barriers. It was unexpected and turned the power of the cold war.
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  • Protests in Tiananmen Square

    Protests in Tiananmen Square
    Student protests in China gained real momentum in Tiananmen square. It soon became a masacre, and because of the lack of information on this event from the Chinese government, the death toll is unknown. This event really shook up the entire conflict. The picture is the most popular image from this event.
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  • Reunification of Germany

    Reunification of Germany
    Germany is finally re-unified. This is significant because it shows that the end of the war is in sight. Germany is one of the first things that these two superpowers fought over, and to have Germany unified, and no longer split between the countries shows that they are close to an end of the conflict. The picture shows Germany before it was re-unified.
    Picture from
  • The End of the Conflict

    The End of the Conflict
    The Communist Party of The USSR is disbanded, and the Soviet Union finally breaks up. It became the Commonwealth of Independent States. This resolves the conflict. This picture shows the meeting of the CIS back in 2008. This is significant because it shows how this new organization is still alive and well today. Picture from