• UN created

    united nations was an international orginization of countries desighned to prevent future wars by giving countries a place to work out differences, based in new york, meet in the genral assembly
  • Germany was devided

    it was divided into four zones ruled by the US, UK, USSR, and FRANCE
  • atomic bomb

    america drops the first atomic bomb on japan, creating the nuclear age, being the only one with a nuclear bomb
  • the iron curtin

    the iron curtin
    churchill coined the term iron curton, to explain an imaginary line seperating eastern communist eaurope, from capitilism western europe
  • Truman doctrin

    us policy of giving ecomic and military aid to free nations threatened by internal or external opponents
  • problems with stalin

    stalin declared the incompatibility of communism and capitalism, making a mark in starting the cold war
  • Marshal plan

    designed to help give assistance to help european countries rebuild, created by state george marshall, helped feed, and have trade partners
  • money aid

    12.5 billion plan came after communism took in czechoslovokia, brittian, france, italy, and west germany made aid
  • currncy

    in order to benefit the economy, western allies converted a new currency in there zones of germany, ussr did not like that and blocked access to west berlin, attempted to starve the city into submision
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    this was a massive opperation of flying food and supplies into west berlin from the western allies to sustain the whole city, 2.3 millions of food came in 3 minute take offs, ussr did not want any war
  • NATO

    th enato was now created, and joined a defensive alliance composed of ten western european nations, and cannada to form the north atlantic treaty orginization, later came germany
  • USSR calls it off

    admitted defeat by lifting the blockade
  • USSR and spies

    they began using spies, propaganda, diplomacy, and secret operations to outmanuver one another
  • USSR atomic bomb

    ussr tested there first atomic bomb and it was a success
  • the H-BOMB

    the H-BOMB
    trumen wanteda more powerful bomb called the thermo nuclear bomb

    the ussr developed there versoin of the h-bomb
  • Germany Joins

    germany joins the nato and has a strong nation now

    this is a USSR national defense team composed of eastern europe and eastern germany
  • RUSSIA Gets the missile

    soviets developed an incontinental ballistic missle
  • RUSSIA satellite

    RUSSIA satellite
    russia used ther IBCM to luanch there satilite into space very far, called the sputnick, gather data of upper hemosphere conditions
  • US satelite

    us luanched there satellite, and it was better, second to do so
  • US gets caught

    a us spy was shot down in a CIA U-2 piloted by francis Gary Powers, in USSR, and punished by them for two years in soviet prision for espionage
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    soviets made the berlin wall to keep east germany from leaving composed of dogs, tower gurdes and a wall, and a ditch