Cold War
Cold War. Cold War, the open yet restricted rivalry that developed after World War II. The Cold War was waged on political, economic, and propaganda fronts and had only limited recourse to weapons.https://www.google.com/search?ei=FszUWp_dNsjCjwSfnIO4DA&q=cold+war+facts&oq=cold+war+facts&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i131k1j0l9.31865.35235.0.35917. -
U.S. gave 400 million dollers to fight comunism
we gave 400 million dollers to prevent communism. -
U.S. gave 13 billion dollers to 16 cuntrys for aid -
The beggining
The cold war startd after WW2 -
Stalin cuts off supliys w, burlin -
collective security
colective security to econemy -
collective security had to be a democrecy -
First H-bomb
us detignate the first h-bomb -
south east aisea
south east aisa treaty, U.S. 7 other nations stop communism -
communist thretend middle east -
Francis Gary dies
Francis Garys plane gets shot down. -
defects things -
North korea fought south korea for land. -
china joins
china joins the war because south korea pusher north corea into there taretories. -
help in govt
volentere to help develep nations -
Burlyn wall
Burlin wall was built to stop the enemy.1961 -
iorn curtain
was suppost to seperate two things -
veatnom started for the u.s. -
we went to war to fight comunism in a varry harsh taretory -
us pulls out of war