Yalta Conference
A meeting was held between Churchill. Roosevelt and Stalin decide what would happen at the end of the war. -
V-E Day
Victory in Europe as Germany surrenders to the Russian army. -
Potsdam Conference
Conference divides Germany and Russia into four zones as well as Berlin. Korea was also divided into Soviet and American zones -
The United States drops the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima, Japan during the final stage of WWII. The US received consent from the United Kingdom outlined in an agreement with Quebec. The bombings killed 129,000 people. -
Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
Churchill delivers his ‘Sinews of Peace’ speech which contain the famous phrase “..an iron curtain has descended on Europe” -
The Marshall Plan
A programme of economic aid offered by the US to any European country. The plan was rejected by Stalin and the aid was only given to the Western Europeans -
Berlin Blockade
Western Berlin had no access to food, supplies, and faced starvation. Food was brought by Berlin Airlifts by US and UK airplanes. The blockade was later ended by Russia in May of 1949 -
NATO Forms
"North Atlantic Treaty Organization" formed with members of Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, United States, United Kingdom, etc. -
Korean War
Korean War ends. North Korea remained connected with Russia while South was connected with the United States and later ended in July of 1953. -
Warsaw Pact
A response to NATO. Formed with members of East Germany, Czech, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, and SU. The pact was later dismantled in 1989-1990 -
Hungarian Revolution
Began as a Hungarian protest against Communist rule in Budapest. Soviet tanks had entered Budapest. The tanks withdrew on 28th October and a new government was formed which quickly moved to introduce democracy, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. -
Berlin Wall
Berlin wall built and borders sealed between East and West Germany. -
JFK Assassination
JF Kennedy was assassinated while on a visit to Dallas. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the murder but there has always been speculation that he was not the only killer. -
Vietnam War
President Richard Nixon ordered US troops to go to Cambodia. -
Four Power Agreement Berlin
The Four Power Agreement made between Russia, USA, Britain and France reconfirmed the rights and responsibilities of those countries with regard to Berlin. -
Chernobyl Disaster
An explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukraine remains the worst nuclear disaster in history -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall was torn down. -
Malta Summit
This meeting between Mikhail Gorbachov and George H W Bush reversed much of the provisions of the Yalta Conference 1945. It is seen by some as the beginning of the end of the cold war. -
German Reunification
East and West Germany were reunited as one country. -
End of Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact which allied Communist countries had ended. -
The Strategic Arms Reduction treaty was signed between Russia and the USA -
End of the Soviet Union
Russia formally recognized the end of the Soviet Union