The End of the War in Europe
The war ends and Germany is broken up into four parts. French, Brittish, American, and Russian. This is important because it sets the stage for the division between the Soviet Union and the United States. -
Period: to
The Red Scare
Senator McCarthy claims that he has names of people in the goverment who were working with communist countries. He often accused people of being communist and rose the fear of communist taking over the United States. This simply hightens the fear of communism in America. -
The Berlin Blockade
The Russians block in Western Berlin from the rest of Germany. Americans fly over Berlin and drop in food and supplies for the people block into Berlin, thus gaining postive attuides toward democracy. The is important because it promotes democracy in Russian teroitory. -
North Alantic Treaty Organization
A treaty is signed by western countries, including the United States, which is a mutural defense group that defends is members from communist attacks. This furth divided Eastern Europe from Western Europe. -
Russia Ceate Atomic Bomb
The Sovit Union exploded their first atomic bomb. This puts fear in Americans, many people worried than a necular war would break out between the Sovit Union and Amerca. -
The Warsaw Pact
The Soviet Union and seven of its European satellites sign a treaty establishing the Warsaw Pact, a mutual defense organization that put the Soviets in command of the armed forces of the member states.This further draws the line in the sand. -
The Space Race Begins
The Sovits launch Sputnik, a satellite, into space. This is important because it launches the race to get into space before the Sovits can. Eventually the United State put the first man onto the moon. -
Fideal Castro and Cuba
Castro comes to power in Cuba. This is important becuase it offically makes Cuba a communist state. Because Cuba is so close to the United State many feared that we were more likely to be attacked. -
The Bay of Pigs
1400 American train Cuban exciles try to attack Cuba in order to overthrough Castro from power. This beomes a failed attempt and adds fuel to the already burning fire. -
Berlin Wall
A wall is massive wall is built in Berlin by Westeren Germany, creating a literaly Iron Curtain. This is important because it rises tentions and cuts off the Sovit Union from Western Europe. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Sovits plcae missiles in Cuba, only 90 miles from America. Threats of nuclear war begin, but are finally settle by Presidant Kennedy, -
China gains Atomic Weapon
China explodes their atomic bomb. Raising the threat of nuclear war breaking out in the world. -
Nixon Visits China
China opens their country to American president Nixon. This is important because it easies the threat of war and communism placing peace on our horizons. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
As tentions lesson, East Germany opens their doors to western Germany and with that the Berlin Wall is demolished