The 2nd Red Scare
The second red scare began in teh early 1940's and carries on throught the entire Cold War. As tensions grew the second Red Scare began to emerge in the United States. Everyone was scared and no one was safe, there was always the possibility that anyone could be a communist. Many influencial people were targeted and blacklisted by Joseph McCarthy, this made it hard for many Americans to find jobs. Fear of the Russian began even before the actually Cold War. -
United Nations
The United Nations was created to replace the much weaker League of Nations after WW2. They were created to help handle world affairs and prevent another war and little did they know that possible war was right around the corner. They would be called upon to help throughout the entire cold war. They would have to face many obstacles, one of them being the progression of the iron curtain -
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The Cold War Events
The Iron Curtian
This was the date in which the Iron Curtain was first used in this context, it was used by Winston Churchill during a famous speech. The Iron Curtain was a figurative line that resembled the advancing communist party as they pushed their way through Europe. It was an imaginary line that separated communist and noncommunist. Essentially the entire Cold War was created in order to stop the curtain from progressing. -
The Truman Doctorine
As the Iron Curtain progressed President Truman made the executive decision that it was the U.S’s job to contain communism and preserve democracy. He declared that the U.S would lend aid to any countries in the process of fighting off the spread of communism. -
After Sputnik was launched there was a growing fear that the Soviets were potentially spying on the US. The CIA aka the Central Intelligence Agency was created to gain information on the Soviets iin order to win the war. This group was created out of fear of a nuclear attack. Agents were sent to find out what the Soviets were up to wich helped ease Americans fear. -
As there was a growing fear of the Soviets Sputnik did not help one bit. Sputnik was the first satellite to ever be launched into orbit. It was launched by the Soviets and as a result the U.S began to panic. MAny believed that the Soviets were spying on us through the satellite. It also posed a threat because if they could launch a satellite into orbit who is to say they couldn’t launch nuclear weapons at the U.S. -
Joseph McCarthy
During the Red Scare Joseph McCarthy became a prominent figure. He was the leader and founder of McCarthyism, A vicious campaign against alleged communists. Many of the accused were blacklisted and even lost their jobs yet very few of them were actually Soviet spies. on this date ten major figures in Hollywood were blacklisted which led to the start of this vicious cycle of accusation. -
The Marshall Plan
Along with the Truman Doctrine there was the Marshall Plan also known as the European Recovery Program. This program was created in order to aid the devastated European countries after the war. It earned million to donate. l It was the a way for the U.S to fight against communism by aiding European countries in making themselves stronger, -
The Korean War
When the Korean War began, because of their pledge to stop the spread of communism. it was blatantly obvious that the U.S would lend aid to South Korea because Russia was helping the North.The Korean war was a war between two different types of government, it was a major event in the cold war because violence was used to fight communism. -
The Space Race
Along with the creation of the CIA another group was created because of Sputnik. On this date NASA was created wich was also the beggining of the Space Race.NASA was created to ensure the Soviets technology would not become more advanced than that of the United States. The Space Race was an unspoken contest between America and Russia to build technology and get a man on the moon. As we have learned the U.S won by being the first country in the world to successfully put a person on the moon. -
The Bay of Pigs
In the beginning of 1959 a Cuban man by the name of FIdel Castro took over his country and overthrew their American backed president. For the next year the CIA attempted to push Castro from power to no avail. Finally the U.S launched an attack on Cuba. America sent 1,400 American trained Cubans who fled from Cuba once Castro took over to fight and win back there home. Sadly the plan failed and they were overrun within 24 hours. -
The Cuban Missle Crisis
On October 24,1962, not long after the bay of pigs, a U2 spy plane photographed Missiles on the Communist country of Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis shot fear into the hearts of Americans and is most likely the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war.