Berlin arilift
This event occured after the USSR set up the berlin blockaid. US and Great Britain sent plains to drop supplies, making 200,000 flights total. After 12 months the soviet union dropped the blockaid and a short while after the Berlin wall fell. -
Korean War
This was a civil war between Norht Korea and South Korea. North Korea agreed with practing the commiunist way of government and South Korea practiced the Democratic way of life. North Korea was backed byt the Chinese and pushed South Korea all the way back to its border. The Americans then joined South Korea and pushed North Korea back. The two countires were split on half by the 38th parallel. -
Soviets Launch Sputnik
The launch of Sputnik, the first artifical satellite, signified the age of the space race between the USSR and the US. The US feared that the sattelite might be carrying nuclear weapons or could be used as a tool to spy on the US. The US quickly went to work at building their own satellite which was called explorer 1. -
U-2 Incident
A US spy plane was shot down in Soviet air space and identified as a spy plane by the USSR humiliating the US whom tried to cover up its purpose. The pilot was captured and held for two yearrs until a prisoner exchange with the USSR and te US. -
Berlin wall goes up
This was a barrier created in about one day to seperate East Germany from West Germany, the soviets didn't want to influence of a democracy to nfluince their communist way of government. The Allied powers, who controlled East Germany, were trying to prevent the spread of communism but they did not agree with the walls construction. Some families where not able to see each other for years because some of them were on West Germany at the time the wall had gone up. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The cuban missile crosis started when US troops descovered the Soviet Union positioning long range issles in Cuba. The missiles were close enough to hit the US making the US take emmideate action but avoind war at the same time. Debates began about proving that the Soviet Union had weapons in cube while the Soviet Union denied it. US troops were able to take pictures of different camps set up with Soviet missiles. After these pictures were taken they were used as evidence again the Soviet Union. -
US sends a men to the Moon
After Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union the US pushed their space mission of sending a man to the moon into full pursuit. It became president Kennedy's goal to send men to the moon and have them return safley. After eight years he had completed his goal, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon. -
Fall of the Berlin wall
A series of political events occuring around the world had effected the East Germany government. On november 9th the East Germany government announced that citzens were allowed to visit West Germany. East and West germans climed to the top of the wall reunited once again. By 1992 the wall had completley been denolished.