The Cold War

  • Yalta Confernce

    Who: Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Fr02anklin D. Roosevelt
    What: It was a conference with 3 superpowers
    Where: Yalta, Crimea
    Effect: It ended WW2 and there was a clear distinction between communist and capitalist countries. Eastern countries wanted to expand communism and western countries wanted to expand capitalism but contain communism.
  • Potsdam Confernce

    Who: Harry Truman, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchhill
    What: it was the second conference between the superpowers about how to divide Germany and Berlin
    Where: Potsdam, Germany
    Effect: This was the official divide of Germany. Increased tension between communism and capitalism began to arise
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Who: United States and Japan
    What: US dropped a nuclear bomb on the city to enter the Pacific war and to make Japan surrender
    Where: Hiroshima, Japan
    Effect: It officially ended World War II. First time that nuclear weapons were used in seen as a possible threat
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Who: United States and Japan
    What: Second bombing by the US
    Where: Nagasaki, Japan
    Effect: it was used as a scare tactic towards the Soviets or to get the Japanese to surrender. Also seen as in the US trying to provoke Russia
  • Period: to

    Soviet Nuclear Weapons

    Who: The Soviets
    What: Since the US dropped bombs on Japan, the Soviets wanted also wanted to have nuclear weapons. So this was the first that the US had heard of the Soviets having nuclear weapons.
    Where: Soviet, Russia
    Effect: Now the US has competition with having nuclear bombs. This also means that the Soviets can use a nuclear weapon to possibly harm one of the US's allies
  • Truman Doctrine

    Who: Harry Truman
    Where: the US
    What: it was a speech that harry Truman gave about the iron curtain
    Effect: it showed Americas resistance to communism but increase tensions between the US and the Soviets
  • Molotov Plan

    Who: proposed by USSR's cabinet minister Vyacheslav Molotov
    What: Russia was trying to keep its allies communist by giving them benefits
    Where: Soviet, Russia
    Effect: this was similar to the Marshall plan which was the United States
  • Brussels Treaty

    Who: Luxembourg, Netherlands, France, Belgium
    What: it was an agreement that if a military attack happened the countries would remain allies
    Where: Brussels, Belgium
    Effect: they went on later to sign NATO but however the Brussels Treaty was more for European countries as NATO was for everyone
  • Marshall Plan

    Who: Secretary Marshall and Harry S Truman
    What: it was Americas plan to help Western Europe. By giving them billions of dollars to help with economic assistance and to rebuild their economies
    Where: United States
    Effect: The United States created allies from this and would prevent countries from spreading communism
  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

    Who: United States and the Soviets
    What: The Soviets tried to block the flow of needed resources into West Berlin. The US and Britain organized a massive air lift to supply was Berlin. The Soviets eventually back down.
    Where: Berlin, Germany
    Effect: it was one of the first major events since the cold war had started. Tensions began to rise even more between the US and the Soviets
  • NATO

    Who: 12 countries that sounded NATO including Canada the US and Belgium
    What: it was a military alliance that was against communism and would fight back against the Soviet Union in a nuclear attack
    Where: signed in Washington DC
    Effect: it made the countries that were capitalist stronger and also provided security against the Soviet Union
  • Soviets First Nuclear Launch

    Who: Soviet, Russia
    What: they tested the first nuclear bomb and it was successful
    Where: designed at Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan
    Effect: The Soviets were now seen as a major threat to the whole world and MAD was created
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    Who: North and South Koreaens with Soviet and Capialist support
    What: The fight between North (communist) and South (capitalist)

    Where: Korea
    Effect: North Korea was allies with the Soviets and South Korea was allies of the US. This proxy war was seen as a failure and was seen successful. The Soviets did expand communism and the US also contained communism but at the same time expanded capitalism
  • Stalin's Death

    Who: Joseph Stalin
    Where: Kuntsevo, Dacha
    What: Soviet Russian leader passed away
    Effect: Khrushchev becomes the new leader of the Soviet Union. He has a similar ideology to Stalin
  • Warsaw Pact

    Who: the USSR and it's allies
    What: created as a cold war military alliance in response to NATO. It was led by the Soviet union and included all Eastern European satellite countries 'iron Curtain'
    Where: Warsaw, Poland
    Effect: this was in response to NATO and gave the Soviets and Russia more strength and security
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    Who: the US, North Vietnam and South Vietnam
    What: it was a civil war between communist north Vietnam and capitalist south Vietnam. The US's part in the proxy war did nothing for north or south Vietnam
    Where: Vietnam
    Effect: the US failed to stop the expansion of communism in Vietnam. This then led to the US having no involvement in the Cambodia civil wars
  • Period: to

    Hungarian Revolution

    Who: Hungry and the USSR
    What: The people of Hungary wanted to be free from the outside powers protesters were killed by the USSR military
    Where: Hungry
    Effect: it showed how much power the USSR had and how influential they could be

    Who: the US and Canada
    Where: Colorado, US
    What: it was an organization that alerted Canada and the US if there's a possible threat
    Effect: this helped the US and Canada in a way that if the Soviets launched a missile they would be warned
  • Castro takes Power in Cuba

    Who: Fidel Castro
    What: he was now in control of Cuba and wanted to have a communist revolution in trying to make Cuba communist
    Where: Cuba
    Effect: Castro was trying to turn Cuba communist, but the US had never been allies with a communist country. This led to the red scare which eventually led to McCarthyism
  • Period: to

    Bay of Pigs

    Who: Cubans trained by the US
    What: the US trained Cubans in order for them to take over the Cuban government and start another revolution
    Where: Bay of Pigs, Cuba
    Effect: this was an embarrassment for the US and it led to Castro furthering his chances of making Cuba communist
  • Creation of Berlin Wall

    Who: Nikita Khrushchev
    What: The Berlin wall was to stop East Berlin people and East Germans from going to live in West Berlin
    Where: Berlin, Germany
    Effect: The wall became a symbol to divide capitalist countries versus communist countries
  • Period: to

    End of Cuban Missile Crisis

    Who: John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev and the Soviets
    What: the US had placed missiles in Turkey and the Soviets had placed muscles and Cuba. They are pointed at each other. Two ships had reached the 29th parallel we're about to go to war but turned around.
    Where: off the coast of Cuba
    Effect: this was the closest that the US and the USSR have ever came to a nuclear war. The whole world had stopped and watched these two superpowers almost go to war.
  • Nuclear Arms Treay

    Who: 168 countries including the US, Great Britain, France, China, and the USSR
    What: it was a worldwide treaty that would prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology and promote peace
    Where: 3 meetings were held (Washington DC, Moscow, London)
    Effect: this basically ended the cold war and for some countries it was security for them, so no one could attack/harm them in any way
  • Period: to

    Afghanistan and Soviet War

    Who: do USSR and Afghanistan
    What: The Soviets invaded and try to set up a communist government. This would become very costly and it caused a military and domestic disaster for Afghanistan
    Where: Afghanistan
    Effect: it was a failure for the USSR and caused some major issues and economic issues.
  • Glasnost and Perestroika

    Who: Mikhail Gorbachev
    What: it was a concept that would help rebuild the USSR's economy. It allowed for some private property and incentive and also democracy.
    Where: The USSR
    Effect: it was a collapse of communism in the USSR's economy.
  • Take down of the Berlin Wall

    Who: people of East Germany
    What: Berlin wall was in the process of being taken down and Germany was unified
    Where: Berlin, Germany
    Effect: The collapse of the Berlin wall essentially showed that the USSR had lost its power
  • Period: to

    Czechoslovakia Revolution

    Who: Vaclav Havel
    What: it was a overthrow of the communist government that ruled Czechoslovakia for 41 years
    Where: Czechoslovakia
    Effect: The view on communism had become weakend because not a lot of countries were communist and thr USSR's spheres of influence had become a lot smaller.