The Iron Curtain
The political and ideological barrier created by the Soviet Union to seal itself off from the Allies and other nonCommunist areas -
Second Red Scare
After WWII, Americans began to fear that Communism would spread to theUnited States. -
Marshall Plan
An American initiative to aid Western Europe after WWII -
Berlin Airlift/Blockade
The Soviet Union started to block the Allied zones of Berlin which cut them off of rail, road, and water access. The United States nd the United Kingdom airlfted food and other supplies into these Allied controlled zones. -
Formation of NATO
The United States and the other 11 Western NAtions opposed to Communism formed a pact that helped divide Europe politically. -
Communist China
USSR helps China become Communist -
Korean War
The U.S. had entered Korea to help back up South Korea because Northern Korea became aggressive and tried to convert all to Communism -
Warsaw Pact
All Communist nations in Europe signed a treaty -
The Soviet Union (also known as USSR) launched the world's first artifical satellite. This frighented Americans due to the overwhelming power USSR now had. -
Space Race
Competition between the U.S. and USSR to explore space first -
Bay of Pigs
Fidel Castro, the dictator of Cuba, and his troops were a threat the the U.S. The CIA sent in American B-26 bombers to destroy Castro's tiny air force but was defeated. -
Berlin Wall
The Eastern Berlin government built a wall seperating the West side of Berlin. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The U.S. and the Soviet Union engaged in a 13 day political and military standoff. Fidel Castro of Cuba and the Soviet Union formed a bond and USSR placed nuclear missiles in Cuba toward Florida. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Eastern Berlin announced that Western Berlin was now allowed to cross borders. More than 2 million people from Eastern Berlin began to tear the wall down. These people felt the Col War for real as they were seperated for so long. -
Ukraine became independent when Boris Yeltsin assumed power of USSR and USSR became Russia. Communism fell and thus ended the Cold War