The Cold War 1945 - 1991

By KEWeber
  • Period: to

    The Cold War 1945 - 1991

  • America defeats Germany

    America defeats Germany
    Germany surrenders to the United States.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    Truman, Churchill, and Stalin meet to negotiate the end of World War II.
  • America drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima

    America drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
    "Approximately 80,000 people are killed as a direct result of the blast, and another 35,000 are injured. At least another 60,000 would be dead by the end of the year from the effects of the fallout" (
  • America defeats Japan

    America defeats Japan
    Japan surrenders to the United States.
  • Winston Churchill gives "Iron Curtain" speech

    Winston Churchill gives "Iron Curtain" speech
    Winston Churchill states - "an "iron curtain" has descended on Europe."
  • Communist takeover in Czechoslovakia

    Communist takeover in Czechoslovakia
    The Communist Party seized power over Czechoslovakia.
  • NATO ratified

    NATO ratified
    The United States joins forces with 11 nations world wide to create a defense pact.
  • Atomic Bomb Testing Begins

    Atomic Bomb Testing Begins
    Nuclear Arms Race: atomic test series of 11 explosions at Nevada Test Site.
  • McCarthy Trials Begin

    McCarthy Trials Begin
    Joseph McCarthy tries U.S. citizens in court on suspision of communisum.
  • Sputnik II launched

    Sputnik II launched
    Sputnik II was the first biological spacecraft.
  • Castro takes over Cuba

    Castro takes over Cuba
    Fidel Castro took Cuba by force and has ruled for over 40 years.
  • Kennedy elected President

    Kennedy elected President
    John F. Kennedy (D) is elected President of the United States.
  • Berlin Wall is constructed

    Berlin Wall is constructed
    The Berlin Wall was constructed to divide Germany.
  • Kennedy assassinated

    Kennedy assassinated
    President John F. Kennedy is killed in Dallas, Texas.
  • Apollo 11 lands on the moon

    Apollo 11 lands on the moon
    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land the Apollo 11 spacecraft on the moon.
  • Berlin Wall is Demolished

    Berlin Wall is Demolished
    In the famous words of President Ronald Reagan "Tear down this wall!"
  • Cold War is over

    Cold War is over
    End of Soviet Union and the Cold War Ends.